26 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. CNKemper says:

    Hats look amazing! Love the colors so much.

  2. Taryn Oakley says:

    Looks like you have been busy! I need to get my holiday gift list made (and started on!). Thanks for the reminder!

  3. Tracey says:

    I can relate Rachel. I often find myself browsing patterns looking for just the right one and then realize an hour has past by and I still have work to do. Love the hats. I haven’t cast mine on yet, but I need to get a move on. Good for you for buying the book, it’s been in my cart for months and I need to do the same thing.xx

  4. Kate says:

    I’m always being lured away from those boring chores by the call of yarn and fabric and patterns 🙂 And sometimes ravelry is more hurt than help in terms of that. Good luck sorting out your list(s)!

  5. Maria says:

    I’ve been checking out the hurricane pattern because I am knitting a bunch of hats as Christmas gifts… I think I’ll give it a try! I really like how yours came out.

  6. swanski says:

    Part of the fun in making the “lists” is the stress involved on deciding what to make who. I find that being extremely flexible of what I want to accomplish helps me with the stress.

  7. angie says:

    Fun hats! Can’t believe how many you’ve already finished. I really need to try that pattern. So intrigued by that book, let me know how it is…

  8. Ellen says:

    I know what you mean about indecisions concerning yarn stash. And I know about having lots to do and trying to fit it all in. I made one of those bookmarks. It took longer than I thought – good thing it was a small project. Love the linen stitch, but it was that pattern that made me realize I needed new glasses! And maybe trying to knit it in better lighting?

  9. Emily T. says:

    I often lose myself while pattern hunting and forget what I should be focusing on. But there are just so many wonderful patterns!

  10. Lydia says:

    Those hats are adorable! And you’re knitting them so fast. I love making knitting lists too…especially for Christmas.

  11. Anna says:

    I love the hats. I might need to get lost on Ravelry looking for the pattern. wink wink.

  12. Jen says:

    I look forward to seeing those hats on the kids’ heads. 😉

  13. Kristen says:

    I, too, feel a household of projects ready to swallow me alive, but for some reason I just want to knit. And sit 🙂 Those hats are so cute! The swirling pattern doesn’t bother me. Also, I reserved “Better Off” at the library thanks to your recommendation….can’t wait to pick it up!

  14. meghann says:

    I love those hats! So colorful… I am trying to decide between a few different patterns for my kids’ hats this year & this pattern is a strong contender… xo

  15. I know what you mean. I’m so often fearfully knitting with stash yarn and worrying through the process. I’m loving the ‘tornado’ hats and look forward to a picture of all of your young heads lined up as an autumn rainbow! Lovely.

    Blessings, Debbie

  16. Corrabelle says:

    Oh you sound busy! I do the same thing…try to designate certain yarn for certain projects, and then forget which one is which-argh! And I have a hard time working on sewing/crocheting projects when I know that my dishes, laundry, and other things need done!

  17. Kathy says:

    I can’t wait to hear how you like the children’s games book – -I keep meaning to pick up a copy of that from our library. It would be a lot of fun to have some new games to introduce when friends come over.

  18. I am looking forward to seeing the family picture with all the hats! Do share, won’t you!?

  19. Svenna says:

    So much to do, so much to do. Loving those hats – you’re almost ready for your photo!

  20. I keep hearing about the Great Book of Children’s Games and will have to look into my library for that one. I’ve spent so much time looking at yarn and patterns I could have three gifts knit already. I must get on the ball/skein! haha

  21. Heidi says:

    I do hope we get to see the photo when your finished with all the hats, what a cute idea to make matching hats for everyone:)

  22. Jodi says:

    Wonderful, colorful hats! Everyone gets their own color, right?!!

  23. Sachi says:

    Oh I know exactly what you mean about all of those things waiting to be done. Homeschooling is really new to me and I am not sure how all of you do it!
    I really hope you enjoy This Life… I loved it.

  24. Ximena says:

    I love your blog
    Warm greetings from Chile.

  25. […] been thinking about all the gifts I’d like to knit up for special people. As I mentioned earlier this week my mind has been awash in ravelry favourites, stashed wool and wooly goodness. With the […]

  26. yarn along says:

    […] when I realized the blue wool was not going to last. I’m still working on that bookmark and those hats. Still haven’t broke into last week‘s raspberry wool but I’m hoping to ball […]

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