31 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Apseed says:

    I like the idea of knitting the same pattern for each family member. Can’t wait to see the final result.

  2. Tracey says:

    I have had requests from all my guy’s for hats with ear flaps so I’ll be casting on six myself. I love all the books you read and will add this one to my list although we start school today and my vacation is over! xx

    PS- love that blue yarn you are using!

  3. The Hurrican hat pattern is super and you have chosen a lovely blue

  4. Ellen says:

    The pattern does look great – love those swirls. All your kids will have warm little heads this winter. I need to start making more hats to have at the ready.

  5. Lydia says:

    Awww…I love the hat, and it’ll be so sweet to have six little ones when you’re all done.

  6. Sarah Jane says:

    That hat is a great blue. I’m in the mood for a quick hat. Soon.

  7. meghann says:

    I want to read that book. Badly. Waiting until I have a bit of time to do so guilt-free.

    I imagine an issue with having so many kids is having to knit everything six times. Not that there’s anything wrong with knitting – of course! – but the *having* to knit drives me nuts – and I only have to do everything three times, once for each of mine and then for my nephew…and still, by the time I get to #3 I am ready to throw it all out the window! xo

  8. swanski says:

    I have to say you must have an awesome library! We do not get nearly as many interesting books as you do. The hat is looking lovely!!

  9. the house at riverton is in my stack of to reads, can’t wait to hear what you think of it. and six hurricane hats…bless your soul. i’d be frustrated by #3!

  10. Kristen says:

    Are these hats for your kiddos? I was just talking to the ladies in my knitting circle last night about wanting to find a hat pattern for my kids….thanks for the link!

  11. Jen says:

    I give you a lot of credit. I think I would be throwing in the towel after hat number three. 😉

  12. What a great pattern! Love the tornado twist… hurricane? No, it’s definitely a tornado. 😉

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. angie says:

    Oh I love that blue. I really must try this hat, too cute.

  14. angie says:

    Oh I love that blue. I really must try that hat pattern

  15. Taryn Oakley says:

    For me, the time to knit warm and cozy things has set in!

  16. Alisa says:

    I’m off to check out that hat pattern….looks great!!

  17. Lisa says:

    September has me in a panic to make hats and mittens!

  18. Angela says:

    Ah that blue is so cheerful!! I am thinking of knitting lots of hats too. I may have to alternate.

  19. Please let me know what you think about this farming autobiography. I just got an email from the library this morning letting me know a copy of The House at Riverton is ready for me to pick up. Have a great day Rachel.

  20. Svenna says:

    Wow, such a great blue! Fabulous start to a whole batch of hats. 🙂

  21. Elizabeth says:

    Oh love the hurricane hat. I think I told you before that I have made a bunch of those. Just keep the hurricanes away please. Love the blue.

  22. lori says:

    how cute that pattern is! and how darling 6 will be. Thank you for sharing,I’ve saved it in my rav queue.

  23. I love the colour for the hat! The pattern is neat too!

  24. Nancy says:

    LOVE the colour! My favourite actually!

  25. Heather says:

    I have been working on hats here as well as finishing a sweater. All the hats thus far are different. I like the idea of the same hat pattern for each of us. You will have to let me know how it goes.

  26. Janine says:

    I just finished reading “Infidel” and “Nomad” by Ayann Hirsi Ali and found them both very interesting reads. Worth the read I think….now Im reading Kabul Beauty School and Im really enjoying it….

  27. Sara Beth says:

    I’m LOVING that blue! Six will go by in no time 🙂 We have been reading “The Rookie Cookie Cookbook” with kids recipes – and I swear, I will get my socks finished this month! LOL! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  28. Love that pattern & seriously LOVE that beautiful blue!

  29. hmmm…book looks interesting. i too love this genre…coop, animal, vegetable, etc. etc. will tuck this one away in the back of my mind. hopefully to be able to recall later!


  30. cpcable says:

    I hadn’t heard of this title, but am adding it to my list. It’s been awhile since I’ve had a good farming memoir…thanks!

  31. yarn along says:

    […] are my slightly altered version of the sucky thumb mitts in the same blue so many of you admired previously. The pattern is simple and quick but I’m feeling very nervous that my wool is not going to […]

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