16 Responses to “a weekend’s gratitude”

  1. sylvia says:

    roasted garlic hummus? yum!! i really need to make hummus again, just reading the word makes my mouth water!
    have a good start to the week Rachel!!

  2. meghann says:

    Extra knitting time is always a good thing, but I’m sorry you’ve been unwell.

    I have to start sprouting seeds again. I have that same screen, and the same bag of seeds from my co-op… xo

  3. I’m so glad you are feeling better… that clean up after feeling unwell is always a doozie, isn’t it? Happy Monday, and I hope the week goes smoothly!

  4. Taryn Oakley says:

    Looks like you have a budding artist on your hands!
    Glad you are feeling better. This has been a winter of stomach bugs!

  5. meghan says:

    yummm, now there’s hummus on my to-do list today. Episode 4 was wonderful, so sad though there’s been tears to my eyes the last two episodes. I sat with my mending to watch it then picked up my knitting when it came time to darn the socks! Sprouts are by my window too 🙂

  6. Melissa says:

    I so loved that movie. The Dames are the best! Did you bawl like a baby with Episode 4? I was irrationally angry after that one. How dare they?

  7. yes! loved best exotic and the dames never disappoint!

  8. karen says:

    Sorry you were not well and the “bug” was in your house. I hope everyone is better now. And your little one is walking??? Wow! Time is flying!

  9. Leah says:

    Oh please share the garlic humus recipe! And I watched episode 4 last night. Oh so sad:(

  10. steph says:

    hope by now the bugs are all gone! just look at those eyes!!! adorable!!!!

  11. Pink Ronnie says:

    I’m so glad you guys are feeling better – it’s so awful when you’re sick.
    I’m dying to know what happens in Downtoun Abbey… not sure when we’ll get to see it here in Australia.
    Ronnie xo

  12. keishua says:

    being sick with tummy trouble is no fun. glad that is done. i love garlicy hummus. the more the better. i’ve been meaning to watch DA. one day. i am only now watching Bleak House.

  13. tess says:

    I’d love to start sprouting – do you have any recommendations about how to start and what to start sprouting first? I hope you guys are all feeling much better by now!

    • Rachel says:

      Mountain Rose Herbs has lots of great options for seeds and the mesh screens are so helpful (although you could likely rig something up from the hardware store). I started with alfalfa, radish, and broccoli. The alfalfa sprouted fast and everyone loves it! I think I may be alone enjoying the radish and broccoli although they will add great flavour to a salad. I want to track down some bean and clover seeds to try next! My only advice would be to dive it – I’d mulled over it for a while before trying it and realising how easy it is. Began on Saturday and enjoyed on Wednesday! xoR

  14. Bracken just saw your little one’s picture when I was looking at your post and pointed and said “baby.” 🙂

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