6 Responses to “a weekend’s gratitude: gentle new year”

  1. heathermama says:

    wonderful, wonderful… list. have a beautiful week.

  2. Apseed says:

    I’m so grateful you’re still here with us in this strange world of blogging.
    Have a lovely week!

  3. karen says:

    I love the image of a naked house! I love January for how empty the house feels and it also feels so much larger. I hope the blocked hat fits 🙂

  4. Melissa says:

    So glad you are finding yourself coming back to this space again…and again 🙂 My house feels naked without the decorations as well. Have a lovely week!

  5. i always find the naked house thrilling…it’s like rediscovering your space.

  6. You write so beautifully. 🙂

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