5 Responses to “vacation days and late summer sun”

  1. angie says:

    What a sweet little weekend getaway you had Rachel. That Mira is getting so big, I can’t believe it! You are lucky to have such a wonderful family to support you, yay. We are trying to find that fall rhythm, but it is coming slowly, we are all kicking and screaming a bit. Oh and yes, that is my beloved project bag:) Glad you noticed.

  2. Melissa says:

    What a lovely little break. Hope everyone is feeling better. We are in full fall mode now with school…if the weather would just cooperate. I’m tired of warm temps…I want cooler weather and falling leaves. Take care!

  3. swanski says:

    Oh I am over with summer, since like July! I love this time of year and when the kids went off to their schools it was fall for me. Looks like a nice visit to the city! I think it’s wonderful that you have family that help out and make life interesting.

  4. steph says:

    great time for a vacation break!!! Fall—love it/have been yearning for it since May/don’t want it to be over any time soon!!!!

  5. nook says:

    i’m soo happy that i was able to meet you and some of your clan today! so great to connect face to face… finally!!! your pictures are lovely.. and you’ve got me missing kits. and granville island 🙂
    hopefully i’ll see you again before too long! xo

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