17 Responses to “a year”

  1. nook says:

    what a beautiful post! and a beautiful little girl!! happy birthday!! xo

  2. Oh! Happiest of birthdays little Mira! It hardly seems that a year could have passed already.

  3. swanski says:

    happy birthday to your sweet sweet little girl, it seems like yesterday that she was born!!

  4. angie says:

    A year? Really? How is that so? Rachel, she is just so stinkin’ cute I can’t even stand it! Happy days to you all!

  5. awww…she is so beautiful, Rachel! I can’t believe its been a year too!!

  6. Jennifer says:

    It has been delightful watching your little Mira grow in the photos in this space. Thanks so much for sharing! She is so sweet and I love her expressions 🙂

  7. Jen says:

    Awww! Happy birthday, Mira!

  8. Grandpa S says:

    What lovely sentiment froma loving mother th her baby girl! Even though Mira turns 1, she will still be your baby!! (at least for now!). Happy Birthday Mira!! Big hugs and kisses from Grandpa S. Wish I was there to share!! Blessings!!

  9. Janine says:

    such a sweet girl!

  10. meghann says:

    Oh my goodness—is she a year old already? It seems like she was born only yesterday… Happiest birthday to Mira, with much love! xo

  11. Heather says:

    Such a sweet tribute. What a lucky girl. Happy Birthday, sweet Mira.

  12. Melissa says:

    So incredibly sweet! She is beautiful and so lucky to have such a loving family. Happy Birthday!

  13. It just seems like yesterday that you were pregnant with gorgeous Mira. Wishing her the sweetest of birthdays. She is surrounded by so much love and what a beautiful family she chose to be in. Happy birthday and happy birthing day! Jacinta x

  14. Jenn says:

    Wow, time goes fast, but exciting how Mira is growing and learning! So so sweet!

  15. Svenna says:

    I love your birthday posts for your children, such special and heartfelt words, I love reading them. Happy birthday Mira!

  16. Apseed says:

    I know I’m late, but better late than never:)
    Happy birthday to your little princess! Wishing you (Mira) love, sunshine and laughter!

  17. Corrabelle says:

    Mira!!! How did I miss this? I feel like a tool! These must be the pictures that you were going to take on the day I called…oh soft baby. These turned out beautifully! She looks like she knows that she’s well loved:)
    It just doesn’t seem like a year, does it?

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