30 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. I am working on the Mallory pattern too : ) It is easy enough for me to follow along and I am hoping it will encourage me to continue onto harder things. Love the colorway of the green and blue sweater. Thank you for sharing.

  2. naturmama says:

    so many projects! I am very curious about the finished pieces (the mallory cowl looks great) and the felting project as well 🙂 best regards!

  3. Tanya says:

    love the teal colour!

  4. Linda says:

    I love teal, looking forward to seeing this when it is finished:)

  5. Greer says:

    Wow, you are busy. So many projects!

  6. karen says:

    lovely, especially the green tea, too cute:)

  7. Kate says:

    Such pretty knits! I can’t imagine keeping up with that many wips 🙂

  8. Svenna says:

    I’m taking it as it comes too – if I think too much about the Christmas knits I want to make I’ll panic. I LOVE the cowl. I’m keeping my fingers crossed my mum hasn’t made one for my niece yet, because I want to make one of these!!

  9. Tracey says:

    Thanks for the link Rachel for the cowl as I need to cast on one more.
    I am finding myself thinking a lot too about knitting and really need to get a move on. Being sick didn’t help and now I am behind schedule.

  10. Theresa says:

    Good luck getting them finished and enjoyed. I’ve rather been taken over by Christmas making too, there’s still plenty of time isn’t there?

  11. Ellen says:

    Love all the secret and non-secret knitting! I just purchased some punta yarn in another colorway for my mom’s cowl (which needs to be started & finished this week!) The color of that skoodlet is gorgeous. Hope you can concentrate on more knitting.

  12. swanski says:

    All the knits look great! The secret ones and the not so secret ones 🙂

  13. Erin says:

    Beautiful knits! I especially love the teal. 🙂

  14. Angela says:

    That Mallory pattern looks great. Your colors are really cool too. Wow you have a lot of projects going. They are going to be fabulous!

  15. Taryn Oakley says:

    looks like you have been busy!

  16. Beautiful looking projects 🙂 Including the secret ones (as I’m not related to you, I thought I’d sneak a peek!)

  17. angie says:

    reading has taken a backseat around here for sure…love the projects going on.

  18. Lindsay says:

    I was just given a copy of Irish Country Doctor from my mama, but haven’t had a chance to even crack it open to take a peek yet.

    You sure have a lot of projects on the go! I thought *I* was crazy…

  19. Luisa says:

    Love how it’s turning out. I have a few secret gifts I can’t post either lol.

  20. Lydia says:

    Wow! You have a whole lot of knitting going on! My reading has taken a back seat too, except for birthing books and books for Seamus.

    Can’t wait to see your felt project!

  21. Heather says:

    Love all your projects, even the super secret ones. It does seem that reading is secondary right now. I am eager to see your felt project.

  22. Jarka says:

    I’ve started my christmas knits last week – I should have started sooner 😛 …I love all your projects and the green tea sweater looks awesome! wow 🙂 …keep knitting 😀

  23. laura emily says:

    mmmm, gorgeous colors. I love it! And beautiful detailing!
    and I’m glad you threw in the x-mas movie comment. I completely forgot that I could watch Christmas movies now! All through November I had to keep reminding myself, “too early!” And somehow I completely forgot about it. I need to catch up : )

  24. lori says:

    oh i do know what you mean about reading taking a back seat. i’ve been knitting a lot from charts and there is no way to read a book too. even tv watching has has turned into tv listening.
    all your projects look lovely. 🙂

  25. Lisa G. says:

    Knitting, with Christmas movies – sounds nice!

  26. Stacy says:

    My secret knitting is also a Mallory cowl. I’m really enjoying how quickly its coming together in the small spaces I have to work on it. I love the color of the tea leaves.

  27. Heidi says:

    Wow you have a lot of projects going, good for you and good luck with the holiday projects. I have chickened out of knitting gifts this year I think,although I plan to knit a few ornaments.
    I might freak out an decide to knot socks 5 day before xmas, that is just how I roll;

  28. Karen Sue says:

    It’s winter and I’ve just gotta knit and sew!! flannel and wool! gotta wrap up in them!

  29. yarn along says:

    […] in point: Of the projects I mentioned last week two haven’t been touched and one was pulled out (albeit from a very early stage). Instead I […]

  30. Tirza says:

    Oh, I love that tea leaves sweater. So pretty. And the bunting in the later post as well. Fun getting to know you!

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