14 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Tracey says:

    Oh,those nasty little hormones! I hope you find something that will make you just laugh out loud. Have you read any of the Yarn Harlot books? I thought I was going to choke I laughed so hard when I read her. xx

  2. Emily T. says:

    Pesky hormones. Hope you find something light to read and enjoy some peace.

  3. Rain says:

    I hope today goes more smoothly. I am thinking of you and the pp blues. I think it’s amazing that you can read at all (I couldn’t for 3 1/2 years after my boy was born…couldn’t make sense of a single sentence – not sure which was worse, the ppd or going cold turkey for so long!). Tracey’s recommendation sounds excellent and I echo her reading wishes. Hugs to you, Mama.

  4. meghann says:

    I’m sorry you had a rough day; knitting and leftover birthday cake sound like the perfect antidote…

    I third (fourth? whatever) the recommendation for anything by the Yarn Harlot. She is hilarious. Although there are definitely a few essays I’d steer clear of if you’re feeling hormonal & sad. Hope things look brighter today… xo

  5. Oh Rachel, I am sorry about the rough day and the baby blues. Those ridiculous hormones are so hard to deal with sometimes. I hope being with your in-laws and away from your usual routine offers some comfort as well. Thinking about you friend!

  6. swanski says:

    I hope your suffering at the bookstore is not too bad 😉 So glad you are visiting family before the bad weather hits and stays!!

  7. Kristen says:

    Oh, a sweater for little brother. I have been dying to try one for my little guy, but haven’t taken the sweater plunge yet. Maybe I’ll start with a vest. Hope your post-partum hormones level out. I know how hard that can be when you’re trying to juggle everything. I’m not looking forward to that part. Hang in there! If I think of any good, light reads, I’ll let you know 🙂

  8. Lydia says:

    Oh man…those pp hormones are rough. I spent a lot of late nights, after S settled down for the evening,crying into a glass of wine on the porch swing. I wish I had some good light read recommendations, but all the fiction I’ve been reading lately has been pretty heavy. Your knitting looks lovely!

  9. Taryn Oakley says:

    I hope your hormones settle soon…. I know they can be a challenge. Enjoy your end of summer vacation!

  10. Jen says:

    Though I was only pregnant for a short while, I do remember those hormones running through my body.

    Keep your chin up as best you can and be gentle with yourself.

  11. Angela says:

    Those hormones can really wreak havoc! As much as I loved This Life Is In Your Hands, when I finished the book I had a very heavy, sad feeling. So if it’s feeling like too much, it’s always OK to move onto something lighter. You can go back to it later if you want.

  12. For someone who has her hands full… you seem to be turning out a nice supply of knits.

    *As for the previous post… It’s nice to SEE you!

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. Corrabelle says:

    Bringing a ball winder on vacation…are we related?
    I’m trying to think of a reading suggestion for you that’s light-hearted, but everything I’ve read recently has been a little bit more serious. (and I think you’ve read “the help” already, didn’t you? I know that one wasn’t exactly light hearted, but It did have me laughing a LOT!)
    If you did like that one though-something along the same lines, that I really liked was “bee season”.
    Hope your birthday was splendid!!

  14. Svenna says:

    Lovely knitting – I hope you’ll find something light and fluffy to read and be happy. Until then, my advice would be to stick with the birthday cake. 😉

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