11 Responses to “my baby you’ll be”

  1. This is so beautiful. What a gift you’ve given him by writing this. Such a great way to capture this stage, this perfect little one. I’m teary. Thank you for the inspiration.

  2. Oh my, Rachel. . . he is just a beautiful (baby) boy! Two is still a baby, I say!
    Happy Two years!!!

  3. Janine says:

    Beautiful post! Brings a tear to my eye thinking about my own 2 year old….

  4. angie says:

    such a sweet boy. So strange Rachel, I almost posted very similar thoughts about my boy today! When he crawled into our bed at around midnight (every night) I couldn’t go back to sleep. While he was lying there sleeping and snuggling I was amazed that his little toes, well huge toes were touching my calf! and we where face to face. How is it that my sweet little baby is 9 1/2 and so long and lanky. Of course he always will be my baby:) Lovely post.

  5. Sachi says:

    Happy birthday to your two year old! He is adorable! I have one that is going to be two soon myself and he has a snugglely face when he wakes up too.

  6. island jays says:

    He takes your breath away – he’s adorable – hope he stays that way a while longer. Happy Birthday Simon.

  7. stacey says:

    I really do love your photos! Great work!

  8. Hege says:

    Such a beautiful post!
    Hope he’ll have a wonderful birthday!

  9. swanski says:

    He is so adorably sweet! My son is now 18 years old, but I remember when he was little 🙂

  10. Jennifer says:

    Happiest of birthdays to those sweet rosy cheeks! 🙂

  11. meghann says:

    Oh, happy happy birthday! (A little late.)

    Two was hard for me, with Julia. It seems so…”little kid,” and no longer quite “baby.” And she was my first & I wasn’t ready to let go of “baby” just yet.

    It’s so exciting, though, watching life unfold in front of them, and they’re still so amazed by it all, isn’t it? xo

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