22 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Brenna says:

    I am also guilty of not accomplishing a lot for this week’s Yarn Along! Got to love going to the library and finding a whole new pile of books to read! Your mittens are adorable!
    Have a great week!

  2. I’m so terrible at reading to many books at the same time so I was really pleased with myself to finish my last one in record time LOL. I must see if I can find a copy of the Wee wonderful book at the library. That is so cute! Happy knitting & reading πŸ™‚

  3. Island Jays says:

    Your hat is going to be lovely! Can’t wait to see it finished.

  4. MJ says:

    It’s been slow go with the reading for me here especially! How I would love to crawl into a cave and just knit and read(audio that is). :).

  5. Sarah says:

    Those pink little mittens are *so* sweet! And I totally know what you mean about finding that hour to knit ~ definitely easier said than done!

  6. Jen says:

    I haven’t accomplished a whole ton of knitting this week either….for the same reason as you: Valentine’s Day projects! Your little mittens came out great! So cute! And I say try quilting! I love it so much! I have two quilt fronts that need to be backed and quilted….I should work on that!

  7. Joy says:

    The pink mittens are so adorable! We’re busily Valentine crafting too. I actually didn’t notice until AFTER the kids bedtime that it had gotten so late last night with all the card-making. πŸ™‚

  8. kathryn says:

    I’ve been wanting to see the Wee wonderfuls book, I do love her dolls! Your pink mittens are just precious!

  9. Gretchen R says:

    I’ve been wanting to finger through the Wee Wonderful book. I hope you enjoy it. I just love those little pink mittens. So adorable!

  10. Tonya says:

    Love the pink mittens and I also have been wondering if the Wee Wonderful book would be a worthy buy….
    Warm wishes.

  11. Sandra says:

    What adorable little pink mittens πŸ™‚

    I’m visiting via Small Things and the Yarn Along, it’s my first time joining in πŸ™‚

  12. What wonderful knitting! Wee Wonderfuls is… well… wonderful! A friend made all her children gifts for christmas out of it. I am not a sewer, but oh, if I were!

  13. Jennifer says:

    Cornelia Funke is a great author! I haven’t heard of Reckless – one to look up. I am currently reading Dragonrider and enjoying it:) Your knitting projects are inspiring!

  14. Jarka says:

    I absolutely know that feeling – my mittens would need 2 hours – no more, I’m sure – but two hours for knitting is almost impossible to find πŸ˜€
    I love the mittens – so cute!

  15. Sachi says:

    That hat pattern looks perfect! I am not much into fiction these days so I don’t know about the novels–I do know that I always wonder if I should buy the wee wonderfuls books and the Last Minute Knitted Gifts is wonderful!

  16. Hege says:

    Cute mittens!
    I have Reckless on my to read list. I’ve read some of her other books and have loved them πŸ™‚

  17. Heidi says:

    I’m waiting to get a hold of wee wonderfuls too…I settled into some quick colorful projects this week to remnd myself of the promise of spring…it’s coming, I’m sure

  18. suzy says:

    I’m always dreaming of that “quilt” I’m going to make someday too πŸ™‚
    The little mittens are gorgeous.

  19. Nadja says:

    Lovely knitting…I have been looking at and enjoying your last week’s posts.

  20. Elizabeth says:

    I know what you mean about too many books, and new ones sneaking to the top of the pile.

    The mittens are adorable. What lucky little fingers. I’m sure they are taosty warm. Can;t wait to see the finished hat, the pattern looks lovely.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  21. sandi says:

    Those pink mittens are too cute!
    I so understand about the books! Often when I go to the library I find it soooo hard to keep the number of books to a manageable number!
    From taking a peek at your lil pile there…..I have some new ones to search for on my next library visit : )
    I am looking forward to seeing your hat too! Looks cozy warm.

  22. yarn along says:

    […] tempted to abandon my, albeit weak, resolve to clear off my existing project – especially after seeing all the sweet sweaters and vests […]

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