15 Responses to “on needles: the new black and Island dreaming”

  1. Truly Myrtle says:

    Island! me too! swooning that is. I haven’t pre-ordered… I nearly did – but I know I will get it at sometime. Aren’t the patterns just delicious? I’d do the scarf first, or maybe the gloves… or maybe the cardigan… Same problem!
    Just cast it ALL on! Go on 🙂

  2. Jen says:

    Dilemma, dilemma…those are all great projects.

    OK…this is what I would do. Ask yourself this, what do you/the kids/ Dan need the most right now? Then make THAT project. Yeah, right. Knit whatever makes you most happy. 😉

  3. heathermama says:

    ok that cowl looks awesome! i vote cowl. lol

  4. Apseed says:

    I know this is not voting, but I vote for the hat:)

  5. karen says:

    I admire you knitting with black! I am afraid I wouldn’t be able to see the stitches or the mistakes 🙂 Have fun with your classic book reading!!

  6. Tracey says:

    I find trying to decide what pattern to knit the hardest thing about this craft, there are just too many wonderful patterns out there and never enough time! I think whatever you decide will be great, and then you can move on to the one that didn’t make it to the needles first!

  7. lori says:

    such lovely choices, i’m sure you’ll make the right one! i also don’t knit with black anymore, now that i’ve said that watch my girl make a request!

  8. nook says:

    ok first of all, you should just knit them all,…. at the same time…. it could happen. ahaha. and second, can you believe i haven’t read that series?!?!!? i should probably do that . also. red is best is an awesome pattern 🙂 i heart it. i knit it up last year… in red. ha. oxox

  9. sylvia says:

    i have been planning to re-read books from my childhood and youth. i agree, it’s like being visited by a good longtime friend!

  10. Wow. What productivity!

    Loved the first half of the video. I only got to see the hat and the fingerless gloves.. loved both.

    Blessings, Debbie

  11. Melissa says:

    Hey lady! I’m afraid I’ve been away and am playing catch up. Hope the food thing is going better. It’s a tough transition. I haven’t had to make it, but my sister has. She misses cheese. A lot.

    Love those patterns. I think the sweater is my fav. I always have pattern ADD when trying to decide what to start next. Sometimes that takes longer than the actual project.

    I went back recently and reread “A Wrinkle In Time.” I think I enjoyed it more as an adult.

    Take Care!

  12. Looks great! I like the cowl… but we used to vacation on a lake called Arbutus when I was young, so maybe I’m biased? 😉

  13. Svenna says:

    Oh yes, those little in-between-projects, I know them well… Enjoy! 🙂

  14. cowl! then hat. not that you need any arm twisting…

  15. Imene says:

    I had totally missed those patterns. I am in love too! not sure what to knit though 😉

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