15 Responses to “on needles: malabrigo and aspirations”

  1. Hege says:

    Love the purple/pink knitting you have there.
    Right now I am enjoying Temeraire series by Naomi Novik 🙂
    Hope your throat is feeling better!

  2. meghann says:

    Sounds like your reading & knitting are going to keep you busy for a while! I love that stripey sweater… xo

  3. Karen says:

    I hope you get the must do knitting done quickly so you can get to starting more projects!! Starting is always fun:)

  4. I am also trying to wrap up unfinished projects. It is one of my favorite things to have a fresh stack of library books too:) Stay well.

  5. heathermama says:

    my goodness you have so many irons in the fire! so many great projects. and your night stand is full to bursting. lol

  6. Tracey says:

    I am so glad to see you are feeling better Rachel and motivated to accomplish so much!

  7. tess says:

    I love that purple yarn! I hope your throat feels better too!

  8. Sounds familiar! Happy knitting!

  9. sylvia says:

    i have the plain vest on my list too, but i think i’ll wait till my baby girl can stand, as i imagine it will look sweetest then… the Thorpe hat is something i might make for myself… 😉
    we’ve been fighting the sniffles here and every evening i tell myself to get to bed earlier… doesn’t really happen. have a lovely evening and i hope that sore throat is better in the morning!

  10. Gina says:

    Don’t feel guilty about the unfinished projects. It’s meant to be restful! So nice meeting you.

  11. Melissa says:

    I am so impressed that you knit your children sweaters and you finish them in time for your children to wear them, so don’t fret over your unfinished projects. I have so many UFO’s, it’s not funny. Hope your throat is better soon!

  12. Svenna says:

    I’m also planning for Christmas knitting… isn’t it amazing how much time one can spend on ravelry and yarn shop websites.. I’ve changed my mind so many times already, I don’t know if I’ll ever get to ordering yarn, let alone cast on for something..

  13. Heather says:

    So good to say hello again. Sorry for being absent. I adore that yarn and hat pattern. What a cutie you will have on your hands. At least your in progress sweater is so close to completion. You can do it! I love the thorpe pattern. I have made a couple which were very well received. One even had a bit of color work.

  14. Taryn Oakley says:

    I have some malabrigo on the needles as well… and also, way too many things to knit than I have time for!

  15. […] two projects I decided to finish last week made it off needles and on wearers. Blocking…well, not yet, but they were busy being […]

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