14 Responses to “weekending”

  1. Tracey says:

    Rachel, I am very curious, what are wine gums?
    I have a jar of buttons I keep in my family room, it is one of the things everyone of my babies has loved to look though and I remember doing the same thing with my mom’s buttons. It’s always the simple things! 🙂
    I could not believe when I saw snow in the background of your photo! I am been sweating from the heat here!
    I hope you have a great day.

  2. meghann says:

    It looks and sounds like you had a lovely weekend. And I have to confess to a bit of jealousy over your button stash. (It’s probably very similar to mine, but it isn’t *mine* so I must covet it…) Have a lovely week! xo

  3. Ruth says:

    That button stash must be into its’ fourth generation now – I remember Grandma having one too!! Missing y’all!!

  4. swanski says:

    We had pizza too! Like minds…. Love the button collection, I always wish I had more buttons.

  5. Melissa says:

    It must have been a pizza kind of weekend. We ordered ours though as we have a sick one. Sorry to hear someone had their feelings hurt. Those are tough moments for all, especially the mamas that want to fix everything.

  6. angie says:

    Sounds fabulous! I’m trying some gluten/dairy/sugar free living for a while so as you can imagine your pizza and brownies sound divine! Enjoy the week my friend.

  7. Taryn Oakley says:

    That is an awesome button stash! Phoebe was also a backwards crawler for awhile before she decided to try out the conventional forward method…

  8. PKJ says:

    That slaw looks so pretty! Love those bright colors.

    and all those big emotions can be hard…good luck finding your way through them.

  9. oh miss m is just too, too precious. kiss those fluffy cheeks for me!!!

  10. Island jays says:

    Wow, saving the best picture for last! She’s adorable. Hope all’s well in the Jay house.
    When I was younger we moved into this big old house and investigating one day in the basement we found a huge stash of very old buttons. What a treasure it was!

  11. Cory says:

    ooohhh YOU are the one who posted that cornbread recipe while back! I made chili the other night and was trying to remember what blog posted that good-looking recipe.
    Now I’ll never forget again.

  12. Your words don’t exaggerate… your pictures say it’s so!

    Blessings, Debbie

  13. Ellen says:

    Look how wonderful your littlest looks in pink! So bushy-tailed and bright-eyed! And that cabbage recipe – can you share it?

    • Rachel says:

      It was a very very simple coleslaw….purple cabbage, a couple green onions, grated carrot. For the dressing I mixed a glob of mayo (3 tbsp?) and a a glob of plain yogurt, 1/4 tsp mustard powder, 1/4 tsp sugar, salt and lots of fresh cracked black pepper. So simple but so pretty. I ate it for three days straight and did not regret it. 🙂

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