14 Responses to “three-bean chili and cornbread”

  1. Dad says:

    Rachel – I love your culinary mixtures!! Dan makes exceptional meals which are enjoyed by all, but your meals bring comfort to both the body and the soul (just like your mother’s)!!

  2. Melissa says:

    YUM!! I love chilli and be a southerner, I absolutely adore cornbread. It’s a tough thing to perfect….it’s either too sweet or too dry…but when it’s right, OMG! And with butter…sigh. Now I’m going to be thinking about this for the rest of the day 😉

  3. Shirley says:

    I’ve been wanting a good chili recipe with a variety of beans. Thanks! Made cornbread myself this week…actually recipe was called “Johnny Cake”. It actually had cream corn in it and sour cream. To be honest Johnny is not so good at cornbread…kind of mushy and too “corny”…I’m serious.
    I’m going to try yours!

  4. Jo says:

    Oh wow this looks so great I’m going to have to try it! I’ve just found your blog for the first time and am loving it. And you have 6 children – how wonderful, what a gift. 🙂

  5. Ellen says:

    An emptied dish is a compliment to the chef. I love to cook, but there are week days and weekend days. I like to try new things, new flavors, new foods. The everyday cooking can sneak up on me and I’m horrible about a weekly meal plan. What a treat to have a husband to cook the way he cooks. You complement each other nicely!

  6. Ruth says:

    Yaay for chili!! And what a great idea to bake cornbread in your skillet – I’m going to try this recipe!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Oh so yummy! These two recipes look and sound divine. I haven’t had either for a very long time. Thanks so much for sharing!

  8. swanski says:

    Set the table cuz I’m coming for dinner 🙂 Looks fantastic!

  9. angie says:

    yummy! I make cornbread in a skillet also, with maple syrup…super yummy

  10. Taryn Oakley says:

    Ha! As I read this, I am just about to serve up my version of 3 bean chili out of the crockpot (to be served with corn bread, of course!)

  11. Hege says:

    Looks delicious!!

  12. Cory says:

    oh wow…this looks great! I’ve needed a chili recipe. I’m on it now!

  13. Heidi says:

    Thanks for sharing your recipe I am definitely going to try this.
    I have to up my iron intake and I don’t eat red meat so this will be perfect. I am getting a little tired of plain old beans and rice.
    I have always been terrible at making cornbread but I am always willing to try try again.
    Yum, now I am craving chili!

  14. weekending says:

    […] huge mess of chili and cornbread to […]

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