17 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Tracey says:

    Doesn’t every husband love going to the LYS? Mine says he can just drop me off and he’ll know where I am when he needs me! 🙂

  2. Alisa says:

    oh we have a teether like that and my little one loves it….thanks for the link to the pattern (we bought ours) and love the color of your cowl!!

  3. I think the nicest thing about coconuts is how shiny coconut oil makes my hair! 🙂 Well . . . that and how good coconut milk is in curry.

  4. Jen says:

    I love coconut, too! Your macaroons were making me drool.

    By the way, your package is winging it’s way to you. I completely forgot to get back to you. Sorry, Rachel. 🙁

  5. JNCL says:

    Boy, couldn’t I just go for a coconut macaroon right now!!!

  6. Emily T. says:

    Yum.. coconut macaroons sound really good right about now! I wonder where my recipe is.. hmm.

  7. Ellen says:

    That cowl should go pretty quickly since it’s doubled. That’ll be nice. Can’t wait to see the toys when they’re done. Are you felting them by themselves, least amount of water, little drops of detergent and an old pair of jeans (or something else for agitation)? I find that some yarns felt straightaway even with just 1 run-through and other yarns take forever to felt.

  8. Angela says:

    Sounds like your husband loves your LYS trips just as much as my hubs loves mine. You do whatcha gotta do though. I adore that yarn. Good luck!

  9. Rosina says:

    Haha, my husband likes trips to the yarn shop just as much as he likes to take me to the fabric store LOL. Love the little teether toy! My sister is due this spring and I bookmarked it so I can make a couple for her 🙂

  10. swanski says:

    Go to the yarn store!!!! (consider me an enabler). Lovely yarn 🙂

  11. LOL, my husband usually likes taking me there as there are a few other shops around where he can browse. even though he is not at all the shoppind kind of person. i have to say, i hate going to my LYS for needles, it seems boring. i prefer going there for yarn. if i go for needles i usually force myself not to look at or touch any of the skeins…

  12. Heather says:

    I have some needles you could borrow. Perhaps he would like a trip to AZ better!

  13. angie says:

    Oh I do need to check out this book, looks fantastic! Of course I love the yellow, I have a bit of a thing for the color yellow.

  14. Looks great! What a sunny color!

  15. lori says:

    hee hee, such cute comments. my husband doesnt mind too much since he loves for me to knit for him ( a little bribery never hurts). good luck with your cowl and toys!

  16. Svenna says:

    Oh, some lovely sunny knitting going on here! 🙂

  17. Apseed says:

    Oh… these lovely trips to the yarn stores! An inspirational way to spend some part of a day.

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