9 Responses to “{this moment}”

  1. Joy Y. says:

    Games are such an awesome way to cozy up in the wintertime! Looks like a good game there…

    Our moment:


    Joy @ Vim and Vigor

  2. angie says:

    perfect moment captured. My son saw this and got very excited (he LOVES monopoly)and wanted to know if could go over and play:)
    Enjoy your day.

  3. daniela says:

    yeah, monopoly is inn with our kids too. they play a credit card version now…

  4. giozi says:

    So long that I don’t play monopoly. Is great see playing this kind of plays, no only throw tv, or internet.
    My moment: http://www.giozi.com/2011/01/this-moment-grin.html

  5. MJ says:

    Yay for monopoly! We love it in this house, but my 8 yr old usually beats me!!

  6. Dad says:

    This photo takes me back to Christmas when I got to play with Miss E and Ama! Beautiful!

  7. milkymumma says:

    One looks pleased, the other a little concerned!

    Our moment is here:

  8. Lia says:

    Great moment. So focused.
    Lovely blog, I’ll be back for more visits.

  9. Dmarie says:

    serious game playing, I see! thanks for sharing

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