17 Responses to “::reality check::”

  1. Kathryn says:

    Sorry to hear about the lose of another mug. But yes, it definitely means you get to buy two this year! 🙂

  2. meghann says:

    I think you should get *three* next time. (Two to replace the two lost, and one because you didn’t get one this time!) xo

  3. Tracey says:

    Yes, buy at least a dozen next year! Sorry about it getting broken, I know that saddness.
    PS- Girl’s day had to be postponed. There were tears from the littlest one and from me, but we will get to try again one day soon!

  4. Abe says:

    How horrible!These mugs are so hard to part with!

  5. Abe says:

    these things always happen in threes

  6. Melanie says:

    oh no, Rachel! I always get disappointed to break things like that- and our kitchen sink is a vintage ceramic, and while I love it- it breaks things all the time. 🙁

  7. swanski says:

    Yes! Buy two next time you are there. I broke a loved soap dish from Cape May and I was thrilled to find the EXACT one this past summer. I bought it.

  8. Heather says:

    So glad he cleaned up for you. I think two are definitely in order. A few months ago I pulled out some stoneware that Dave and I bought while on our honeymoon. The kiddos wanted to use them for their breakfast drinks. No sooner had I turned my back than one broke. I had to leave the room. It was no one’s fault, but my heart broke. My son asked why I left. Fortunately my little girl understood and told him I was very sad. I returned and cleaned up the mess. It may have broken, but I still have three more and I will always have the memories.

  9. Lydia says:

    We have no more antique drinking glasses (wedding gift), no beautiful cherry blossom cereal bowls (another wedding gift) and no plates sculpted by my husband because they’re all broken. I’ve about given up on purchasing anything special for the kitchen. I truly feel your pain.

    Please by yourself two or six of those mugs from your favorite potter.

  10. Bummer. I think you just need to come to my neck of the woods and visit Orcas Island and Orcas Island Pottery. Sorry for your loss…

  11. steph says:

    bummer. why is it always the favorite ones that have the mishaps and never the yucky ones? I’d say two are in your future!!

  12. Ellen says:

    Some might say ‘it’s only a mug’ (yes,but) …but a pretty one that held hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream after a day of sledding …or from which you warmed your hands on a chilly evening while knitting (no, wait, you can’t do both) …or kept you filled with tea or coffee while reading your daily devotions… or which gladly participated in all
    l those gatherings of friends and family to chit chat… I’m being silly, but it is disappointing to break something that you enjoy using. I’ve had that happen to me many times.

  13. Corrabelle says:

    Your poor mug! I recently cracked one of my favorites, and while it still holds beverages, i’m terrified that I will finish the job sooner or later…
    I cry when I break things too-and then take pictures also. Somehow it makes it better….It’s like laying it to rest.haha

  14. a weekend says:

    […] good and felt good too, the end of this series snuggled on the couch with hubby, and only one casualty. Warm (to us) weather, penguins in the snow, and spring coats with ski gloves outdoors. While […]

  15. oh man, i know how it hurts!

  16. […] it would seem the rule of threes found me after all. This time with a much more precious item. I’m thankful that I can shoot with my macro lens […]

  17. […] cried over the pottery (including two mugs my in-laws had sweetly brought to replace those last ones) but got over […]

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