32 Responses to “here’s the thing”

  1. laura emily says:

    I’m obsessed with smaller spaces. Maybe it’s because I live in a small home. Or that you can literally transfer an Ikea model room to your floor plan without much thought. πŸ™‚

    wishing you the perfect buyer!
    and the perfect location to lodge within.

  2. swanski says:

    You and your husband make the perfect team for house hunting. Sounds very balanced. I hope your house sells soon. We have bought/sold four houses in our marriage and I love to buy a house. Not too fond of selling one πŸ™‚

  3. i know many families (us included) living in spaces that others might consider “too small”. it’s really all about what you do with it… that said, we are also planning on getting a bit more space, and especially that longed for garden. in our family it is also my husband who loves checking internet sites with house offers πŸ™‚

  4. Tracey says:

    Rachel, I hope you find what you are looking for very soon. It sounds like you and your husband are having a great time and enjoying the process.
    I am all for having a smaller home especially as I now only have two children at home. Even with a home that has five bedrooms, when all of my children were home, we always seemed to gather in one room so we could be together. Now I spend so much of my time here alone I think I would love a one room cabin!

    • Rachel says:

      I think it’s a sign of a happy family when everyone ends up underfoot in the same room! It’s good to be reminded that it won’t be forever – and to cherish it all the more. πŸ™‚

  5. Jen says:

    I totally understand.

    There were nine people in my immediate family (seven children, two parents). I lived in a Cape style house that originally had two bedrooms. What would be considered the “den” and “dining room” were converted into bedrooms as mom and dad had more kids. Oh and we had just ONE bathroom for all those people.

    But, it never seemed that small. I think it’s like others have said…it’s what you do with that space.

    I wish you all the luck in the world in finding the perfect home for your family. πŸ™‚

  6. We are in the same situation you are in. Our house in on the market. My husband works from home on the computer and we spend our days looking much like yours.

  7. Heather says:

    We sold our house 3 yrs ago, and we now rent. Our area is really not good for home buying as prices keep plummeting. So right now we shop and dream. We have been trying out homes thru rentals to really determine what we need and how we use a space. I keep a running list of our wants and it changes. We agree less house planned wisely is so much more. Good luck.

    • Rachel says:

      That’s a smart way to go about that. As we’ve looked at different houses I’ve realized what my priorities really are – funny how is changes so much. I’ve realized the outdoor space is really top on my list.

  8. we’re the same. small house, big family, desperately in need of another toilet and a bigger pantry πŸ˜‰ that said, we look and dream and discuss but i don’t need much more space, just a well thought out space. i like us all together and like the closeness it encourages between siblings too.

    • Rachel says:

      I think the small space is such a good thing. Dan loves the idea of designing our own space but I get a little nervous about that…It sure would help us get around all those wasted hall spaces and dining rooms!

  9. angie says:

    Are you lucky enough to have hubby working from home Rachel? We would love that, Greg is so far away during the day. I’m crossing my fingers that you find that dream spot and your house sells easily. Ya know, Bath Maine is a lovely area:)

  10. Janine says:

    I was NOT a fan of having our house on the market. We were averaging over 10 showings a week for ten months until it sold. Im super impressed that you have 6 little ones to care for while trying to do it. 2 thumbs up for you!! Good Luck!

  11. Ellen says:

    Selling and buying is sooooo stressful a time. When we moved here, we were looking at houses mainly from a computer screen- long distance! (750 miles away). We knew nothing about the area, let alone the state. We knew no one save a couple that lived in another area of the state (2 hours away). I’d search daily for houses, the area, the distances between work and church and grocery stores, etc. I remember the computer game my children used to like to play (sitting next to me on our 2nd computer) and its music. I’ve put a ban on that game now. Anytime I hear that music, it brings back that bad stressful time. (they’ve outgrown the game, thankfully! πŸ™‚ )

    Anyway… (encouraging, aren’t I?) Sorry about that.

    In your case, you’re looking for a home, not a major move. I’ll pray that you can find just the right thing and done so in a peaceful way. Knowing that God will place you where he wants you to be can certainly alleviate any fears and worries.

  12. Corrabelle says:

    I understand how you feel. I’d be afraid of a house large enough that we wouldn’t feel *together*. I would take more closets though in a heart beat.

    I tend to go for bigger yards than bigger houses-and trees!

  13. Best of luck with your house. House selling/buying is so stressful but so fun at the same time. I hope you find your dream home with all the features you desire. Jacinta

  14. barefootmama says:

    a buzz kill..lol love you! Well, I hope you find the perfect home for you and your sweet, sweet family. Looks like you are enjoying the moment….LOVE THAT!!!

  15. Kathryn says:

    Oh those pictures make me so happy! Woot woot for school time! And I love those bright pants that A’s wearing!

  16. Svenna says:

    I love the pictures of everyone milling around. It gives me hope- well, there’s just three of us at the moment, but we are looking to simplify and get a smaller space for us (and a more affordable one), and it feels so good to think about what we really need.
    It’s not always a fun process, but it’s best to squeeze the fun out of it when you can. I quite like the dreaming and thinking. Good luck to you and your family!

  17. Wow. I can’t tell you how much I needed to read this this morning. We are in an apartment and lately it has seemed that we have reached it’s expiration date in more ways than one. Your pic of everyone crammed (not unhappily!) into one small space is so familiar to me. We desire something more than where we are now, but where!? My husband and I are much like you and yours. He’s excited, invigorated by this idea of finding a home, moving, and settling in. I am filled with trepidation and move a lot more slowly about things. That said, I am itching to get out of the place we are in, so it’s a manic up and down these days of “We have to move! NOW!” and “We are never going to find the right place in a reasonable amount of time, so why even try!” Good luck in your search, I am hoping against hope for the very right place for both of us!

  18. Emily T. says:

    You and your husband sound a lot like myself and my husband when we were first house hunting, Rachel! Good luck with your search — the right house for you all will come along when you least expect it (and a buyer for your current home, too!).

  19. Kristen says:

    Thanks for this post….thanks for sharing! I hope/pray that your home sells and you will find just the right place/amount of space for your crew. We struggle with this all the time – the thought of selling our house, but then where we would go? (The path of least resistance has kept us right here, however πŸ™‚

  20. Love this post.
    Thanks for sharing your journey.

  21. Rosina says:

    How exciting that you have put your house on the market! Just look how much has been going on in your corner of the woods that I’ve been missing out on πŸ™‚

    • Rachel says:

      Exciting, although anti-climactic. We are hoping that it may end up taking us closer to your corner of the woods, though!

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