10 Responses to “this weekend in november”

  1. Tracey says:

    Oh Rachel, I’m sorry about the open house, but on the brightside, your housework is done.
    Love the list of foods you posted. I keep meaning to make whoopie pies, but keep forgetting.
    I did a little ripping back this weekend too and was not happy. I almost frogged the whole thing,but knew I wouldn’t cast on again. I am doing another pair of socks, this time for my daughter, on size 0 needles!

  2. You ended all the busy-ness just right…with a wool, a mug and tea.

  3. swanski says:

    Sorry about your open house, I wonder where the people were? Anyways, I bet you enjoyed the quietness of your home!

  4. Heather says:

    Sounds like a good weekend. I think the deliberation over what to do is almost worse than just doing it.

  5. Taryn Oakley says:

    Looks like you stayed busy!

  6. angie says:

    Sounds like you had some time to enjoy…Sorry about the open house, no fun.

  7. abe says:

    Huh?Open house?I don’t mean to be nosy ..but what’s happenin’??

  8. weekends always become a blur at this time of year. life is speeding up and my body is telling me i need to slow down…not sure how to do both 😉

  9. That blue is just an amazing color. I absolutely love it. I’m so sorry no one attended the open house. I know just how much work that is. Maybe next time.

  10. I feel behind in the news. You are selling your house? That is so exciting! I know you’ve written about wanting to move before. Where will you be moving? I want to hear more! 🙂

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