29 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. jess says:

    Best of luck with the Tiny Tea Leaves! There’s nothing like a good knitting deadline, I always say 🙂

  2. Rachel says:

    I hope you finish it or your 7 year old might feel left out (my 7 .o. always wants my knitting for herself lol).
    The book sounds cute!

  3. Ooh, I do my best work under a deadline lol. Hope you get it done in time or have a good alibi.

  4. It’s always fun to talk about the relaxing rewards of knitting. Now and then we need to be real about the not so relaxing facts. Here’s to a lovely sweater made effortlessly in two weeks.

    I LOVE Shel, but somehow I’ve never seen that book. How could that have happened?

    Blessings, Debbie

  5. Kaylana says:

    Ha Ha! Sometimes it feels like all I’m making is a swat and heater too!
    My kids absolutely loved a collection of Edward Lears Nonsense poems. His hilarious botanical drawings inspired my budding artist! Check it out if you can!
    (A bit of info- Lear was the 20th of 21 children. That would bring out the humor in a person, right?)

  6. lori says:

    oh best of luck finishing your soon to be seven’s sweater, i love that shade of blue. my children loved s.s. silly (yet brilliant) books too, so much fun!

  7. Corrabelle says:

    oooh, a deadline…you’re ambitious! I can’t wait to see it in the end though!
    I too made a sweater recently for my infant, which my four year old niece is going to recieve for Christmas. argh!!

  8. Rosina says:

    I find some of my best work happens when I’m under pressure and it is amazing how much you can do when you really push yourself LOL. I hope you will have it finished in time for the birthday 🙂 Myself I have absolutely no knitting to share again but I have been sewing so that is a plus right? *grin*.

  9. swanski says:

    I bet you whipped that tea leaves up in no time! Lovely yarn choice 🙂

  10. Kate says:

    I love Shel Silverstein! I’ve been holding off on his books but maybe this week I’ll pick one out at the library.
    Good luck finishing your tiny tea leaves – I’m sure you’ll finish in time 🙂

  11. Carly says:

    Ooh knitting to a deadline, good luck! The colour yarn you’re using is lovely, and the book sounds great – will have to search it out for my boys!

  12. Tracey says:

    Dear Rachel,
    I have all the confidence in your knitting skills and know you will finish the sweater with time to spare. I am all about positive thoughts this week!
    Like Debbie, I love Shel Silverstein, but somehow missed this book…now I must correct that!

  13. Anke says:

    Good luck getting the tea leaves cardigan finished!

  14. That book sounds wonderful 🙂

    Good luck with the tea leaves, hope it flies off the needles!

  15. lily says:

    Runny Babbit sounds like a highly amusing and fun read for children, I shall have to keep any eye out for it for when the grandchildren come to visit, good luck finishing the birthday sweater on time.

  16. angie says:

    Love that Shel Silverstein, always such fun. Sounds like pure bliss at your house.

  17. Heather says:

    I have always loved Shel Silverstein. When I first moved to AZ with my family I thought I saw him at the hotel pool where we were staying. I even walked up and asked. I was about 12yo. Very true that getting the project started sometimes feels like the biggest hurdle.

  18. Charity says:

    Tiny Tea Leaves is so sweet, I hope your fingers fly! 🙂

  19. crossing my fingers that your knitting needles fly!

  20. Becks says:

    Good luck with your deadline, and what planning, birthdyas this close to christmas….!
    That book sounds fun, one I’m sure my boys would love.

  21. We LOVE Runny Babbit! Thanks for sharing the verses!

  22. Tonya says:

    Our children also really enjoy his books. Best wishes with your daughter’s sweater.

  23. Kayte says:

    I have been on a Silverstein kick with the kids too.I can’t get enough of him.Neither can the kids.Don’t your fingers get sore from knitting so much?:)

  24. Emily T. says:

    A tiny tea leaves sounds great! I can’t wait to see!

  25. Looove that book. Thanks for reminding me of it.

  26. Lee Ann says:

    Wow! So much going on! And the book sounds great – I will have to check it out for my little ones 🙂

  27. Stacy says:

    Good luck with the tiny tea leaves.

  28. Angela says:

    Wow you get so much done! I am mucho impressed. Wishing you luck with the tea leaves sweetie!!

  29. yarn along says:

    […] sadly I have no knitting victories to share this week. After all the bolstering support I received last week, the birthday sweater remains very much unfinished…Dare I say hardly started? Somewhere early […]

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