5 Responses to “::reality check::”

  1. Sandra Davis says:

    I love your reality check. We all need to do a reality check every now and then, and especially those with more than two children. We had/have four; but you have more. đŸ™‚

  2. angie says:

    Thanks for this. We ARE always learning and I need to remember that. I was stressing a little last week that the kids weren’t getting enough “book work” done…but they were doing and learning lots.

  3. abe says:

    wah!puzzle pieces!

  4. Sachi says:

    This is so true. I have to keep this in mind next year when I start homeschooling!

  5. Thanks for the reminder:) I also have a category on my blog called “real life” which has posts that aren’t necessarily sunny and lovely. I like that you are seeing the silver lining. Your optimism is encouraging. How’s your belly feeling? Happy week to you, my friend!
    xo Jules

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