16 Responses to “a weekend’s gratitude”

  1. Tracey says:

    Any day that includes lots of wool in it is a good day in my book.
    How fun it must be to teach you babies how to knit, sharing the love.
    Have a great Monday.

  2. Jen says:

    Your kids are so adorable. How do you stand it?!

  3. meghann says:

    Sounds like a perfectly lovely weekend to me!

    We had ballet class on Saturday morning, then a few errands in a borrowed car, and some sewing.
    Yesterday was pretty much all hockey. It takes so long to get to the arena on public transit on a Sunday that we were getting ready to go shortly after breakfast & were back at suppertime! xo

  4. Heather says:

    Sounds like a great one, Rachel. Ours was spent hanging with cousins – even trying to get the youngest to be content with my mom and me(not an easy task!). We also rode bikes a whole lot and hung outside. Errand run with my little girl and some sewing time. Bliss.

  5. Hannah says:

    Hi 🙂 What a lovely list of gratitudes! (My little one pulls the same faces – so sweet). Have a lovely week xx

  6. so much to be grateful for in your weekend!

  7. keishua says:

    roobios with almond what a good idea. p.s. i love that your little ones are knitting.

  8. karen says:

    Love your recap at the end!! I’ll do tea without milk and lots of wool knitting!! The photo is cute 🙂

  9. Great pic! Your children obviously have very little personality.. 😉

    I love that the majority of your list includes knitting. I was recently encouraging a friend who was sure she would never ‘get it’ that it wouldn’t be long before she was obsessed. You rest my case.

    Blessings, Debbie

  10. A week of wool and knitting, a good one!

  11. Melissa says:

    A weekend of knitting…lovely! Love the cute faces!!

  12. Kathryn says:

    Come on!!! Those faces are too adorable!

  13. Apseed says:

    Knitting lessons for little ones? That should have been fun.

  14. Lovely!
    You can sure see the family resemblance in your little ones. 🙂

  15. Cory says:

    OMG, love the pic!!!!!!

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