12 Responses to “goodbye, hello”

  1. Melissa says:

    Leaving that first home is so tough. You will keep it in your heart and always remember, and you will make beautiful memories in the new home….but the old one will always be special. Have a lovely weekend!

  2. angie says:

    awwwww…It’s been 12 years since we bought our first house in VT…Our babies were born there, I still insist that we drive by every time we go to VT…it will always be special.

  3. Tracey says:

    I can only imagine how hard that must be for you. Many [[hugs]]!

  4. Apseed says:

    so beautifully written! Just don’t know what to say …:)

  5. {{hugs}} so many memories…

  6. Taryn Oakley says:

    so sad… but you are moving on to a new house where so many new memories will be made. hugs!

  7. Cory says:

    I GET IT.
    Just went through something so similar.
    It’s hard to close chapters sometimes, isn’t it? Even if the ones ahead are magnificent too.

  8. Kathryn says:

    Beautifully written sis. When I think of you guys I will picture you guys in that little house.

  9. Lisa says:

    Thinking of you guys! So proud of you. Your words are so tender; well written. It’s never easy to say goodbye to a place you call “home”. I can’t wait to see the new place. xoxo

  10. Ruth says:

    Your thoughts touch all our hearts – so poignant! Truly, you have made some lifelong memories in that little place. Love will do that.

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