13 Responses to “on needles: not so plain and knotty brass”

  1. swanski says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! (and many more) scrumptious knitting you have there. Both of my kids have read the Hobbit but I haven’t ventured. I think the movie will be fine for me 😀

  2. Melissa says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope it is wonderful and celebrate as much (and as long) as you can. I’m a firm believer of the whole month myself 😉

  3. Katie says:

    Happy happy happy birthday! So glad our paths have crossed for I love your space here! I hope you have a wonderful day and enjoy much cheesecake!

  4. Kate says:

    Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy the cheesecake 🙂
    I love the colors of the yarns in your picture – they are lovely. And I was just thinking about The Hobbit. My mom read it to me when I was 4 and my big guy is now 4.5, almost time to be reading it to them (but I’ll wait for the littler guy to catch up a bit 🙂

  5. SB says:

    Happy Birthday! That is lovely yarn.

  6. angie says:

    Happy birthday my lovely friend…I’d love to join you for a piece of that cheesecake! The Hobbit is a favorite around here, I’ve been threatening to make needle felted hobbit figures for a while now. Maybe this will be the winter I manage to do it.

  7. What beautiful knitting! I am in the same boat with so many projects I “need” to start *right away*, but I’m hoping that I can stay focused and finish up the sweaters for this fall…and then one thing at a time, right? 😉 This week I’m sharing a Sunday Sweater test knit. I love your blog btw!

  8. nook says:

    happy happy birthday!!! i’ve petted that blue yarn of yours! weee! you’ve gotten me thinking of reading a lot more lately. i think i need to either snag my hubby’s new tablet and download my own books (lol). or audio book-it. loving that malabrigo! how pretty is that?!!?!? have a wonderful day! …. and now i want cheesecake. 😉 xo

  9. steph says:

    have the BEST birthday EVER!!!!!

  10. meghann says:

    Happiest birthday to you, my friend! xo

  11. heathermama says:

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! the sweater for your wee girl is going to be super cute. i have added it to my list too! lol

  12. Apseed says:

    Happy Birthday, my dear friend! Wishing you a lot of inspiration and quiet moments for knitting!

  13. lori says:

    i’m late! but in our tradition it’s your birthday week (hopefully there is still some cheesecake left!) or if you are like my mil, it’s your birthday month! i hope you have a lovely one and you find lots of time to pick up your needles.

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