28 Responses to “take that, craving monster”

  1. Ruth says:

    These truly taste as good as they look – and the best part is that they are packed full of protein and almost sugar free!!

  2. Janine says:

    I sooo wish i had a food processor

  3. Christine says:

    Thanks for the recipe!! I cannot wait to try the peanut butter version πŸ™‚

  4. Melissa says:

    These are definitely getting tried at our house….have you tried putting the peanut butter with the cocoa? Hmmmm….might have to give that a whirl as well.

    • Rachel says:

      I haven’t tried that combo, although I’ve considered it. I love the peanut butter ones so much I’m afraid…Let me know if you try it!

  5. Heather says:

    These are one of our favorites too. I definitely crave sweet above all else

  6. These look so good!!
    I want to get a new food processor and make some. πŸ™‚

  7. nook says:

    these totally look so yummy! i need to make them. the peanut butter ones are calling my name for sure! thanks for sharing the recipe! xo

  8. swanski says:

    Thanks for the recipes, I’ve made a variation of one of them but yours look even better!!

  9. Tracey says:

    Oh yum, yes I do have to try these!

  10. Taryn Oakley says:

    They looks yummy! I am allergic to nuts, so none for me, but I bet my kids would love those.

  11. I so need this! Thank you. Looks like a great picnic snack, too. Could that last photo be any cuter?

    • Rachel says:

      Oh yes, they are picnic approved!
      (I had a hard time only choosing on photo of that series with my “little helper”.)

  12. angie says:

    yum! I was planning on making my nut seed bars for a road trip this weekend, I may have to give these a try.

  13. Ellen says:

    Thank you, Rachel! This is just the ticket for us. I love those bars too (although the company discontinued several favorite flavors!) and I agree, they are pricey – especially when all of like them (well, maybe not my youngest who thinks he ‘hates nuts’). I’ve seen several recipes around the blogosphere -you make them look quite easy and doable. If they were to be stored (ha! we’d eat ’em all up before then), how would you suggest doing that? Waxed paper? Container?

    • Rachel says:

      I have to experiment with lemon and lime because we can’t get those flavours in Canada anymore.
      I’ll confess that when I make these I usually do two double batches to ensure they last a few days…After they’ve chilled I slice them into bars and store them in a glass food-saver we have which is just the right size – although right now I have some peanut butter ones wrapped in wax paper in the fridge. πŸ˜‰

  14. Lydia says:

    Oh, yum! Thanks for sharing these recipes. This is just the thing we needed today on a long hike. Next time, I’ll whip up a batch or two of these.

  15. Cory says:

    I’m soooo doing these this week! I needed the recipe right in front of me to get that inspired, so thank you!

  16. PKJ says:

    We just made similar coconut date balls. They were amazing! I’m going to have to try the peanut butter version.

  17. meghann says:

    I love your recipes. My only complaint about this one is that I didn’t see it *before* our move! I’ll be giving them a try when we get back from my parents’ next week, though… xo

  18. Jennifer says:

    Oh Rachel! I’m getting to this post of yours late, thanks so much for sharing! I’m going to try these recipes soon. They look perfect for my constantly starving husband πŸ™‚

  19. Rachel! These look so good- I have to make them! Do you mind if I pin this?

  20. Julie says:

    I’m going to have to try these. They sound great!!

  21. […] the pursuit of protein I had my love affair with homemade larabars Β – until I had to give up cashews (I miss them so). I’ve done the almond butter and apple […]

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