7 Responses to “on needles: two weeks late and comfort”

  1. swanski says:

    I’ve been sticking to easy knitting, then I can talk and knit at the same time. Multi tasking is important with the kids coming back home.

  2. Tracey says:

    Baby knitting and Ronald Dahl? I want to come and hang out with you! I love Ronald Dahl! I think an owlie sack would be loved by any baby.

  3. Heather says:

    very apropos. I am knitting a blanket for my any time she will come niece. I should have picked something else. I forgot about the puerperium. I love the milo vest and it is quick. Saarte booties are cute and easy too.

  4. I am simply knitting too these days. It’s easier. I have no baby ideas… my go to is puerperium these days, easy peasy, I can almost do it in my sleep!

  5. Ellen says:

    I love reading his books – Precious is certainly that, and I love his use of words as well. They are ‘easy’ to read but have layers of meaning and funny! I love his wit.

  6. Melissa says:

    Unfortunately, when I think of babies, easy goes out the door and I want to do booties and bonnets. I usually go for crocheted bonnets for girls so they can be frilly. I do love that owl sack though. By the way, comfort is mandatory when there is change afoot. Take it where you can get it.

  7. Angela says:

    Oh he will be so excited for his sweater. I love when kiddos love their knits. I’ll have to check out that Dahl book. I absolutely love McCall Smith’s books and writing. The books are so tender for these tough times and he treats his characters with such love and respect.
    I think the owl sack sounds wonderful.

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