16 Responses to “on needles: birthday stripes”

  1. Tracey says:

    Pretty,pretty yarn Rachel.
    I love sesame cookies, they call them Benne Wafers here in the south, yum!

  2. cpcable says:

    Oh, that sweater will be so lovely. That yellow and green are perfect together. I picked up the Tassajara Cookbook at a used book shop awhile back, but I haven’t cracked it open yet. I should!

  3. Melissa says:

    The sweater will be so pretty. Those colors are great together. Reading this post at lunch time is not a good thing…now I want chocolate chip cookies.

  4. Luisa says:

    Love the colors together so pretty. I would pick the chocolate cook recipe too.

  5. i like the colors for the sweater! and those neiman marcus cookies…i made them once years ago and they were good but not GREAT. what’s all the hoopla about???

  6. Janine says:

    I prefer the Nestle Tolhouse chocolate chip cookies…..yum!

  7. Kristen says:

    Ohh….chocolate chip…haven’t made those for a while! I just started getting serious about losing the last of my baby weight, maybe that’s why 🙂 Love the sweater – great boy colors!

  8. swanski says:

    Love the two colors together and lucky for you your stash matches his favorites 🙂 I am baking Choc chip cookies as I type this……yum!!!

  9. steph says:

    I’m overdue for my weekly cookie baking…..tonight!!! I use an adjusted Kathleen’s Bake Shop recipe that my family has voted #1 (after YEARS of searching for the perfect choc chip cookie)—Can’t beat cookies! (the others sound pretty good, though, too!
    love the colors…..looks a bit Green Bay????

  10. I love the colours together. It will be neat to watch it come together.

  11. Ohhhh…love that yarn! So adorable!

  12. Apseed says:

    The combination of colors is so sunny and joyful that it (pullover) will probably become his favorite outfit!

  13. Jen says:

    My husband made brownies from a box the other day. Does that count?

    I love the colors in that sweater.

  14. Taryn Oakley says:

    What a sweet sweater. I love your color selection!

  15. lori says:

    how fun to knit a favorite pattern again. such pretty colors, i love the combination. i haven’t baked since my kids moved away. my husband and i would eat it all!

  16. Svenna says:

    Good luck with the sweater, I love your boy’s favourite colours! 🙂

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