16 Responses to “on needles: UFOs and delightful distractions”

  1. Tracey says:

    You are too funny Rachel! I think you should just cast on both project so the other won’t be jealous! Great looking yarns by the way!

  2. oh live on the wild side and co for both!

  3. abe says:

    Do you know I just recently discovered that UFO stood for unidentified flying object?Yeah….where have I been?For someone who has her brain in space half of the time you would think I would have known that.I think I like your definition of it better.I have a lot of that happening here on earth.

  4. Melissa says:

    Go ahead and cast on. I’m the worst to ask though. I have a sweater with only half a sleeve πŸ™‚ Locavore sounds like an absolutely fascinating read. Might have to check that one out. As far as Hugo is concerned. I haven’t read the book, but I did see the movie, which was a feast for the eyes. Amazing costuming and sets.

  5. Jen says:

    Oh I vote for casting on both. Come on…you know you want to! πŸ˜‰

  6. Ellen says:

    I say cast on both – that way you can flit between projects depending on your time and mood.

  7. Heather says:

    There are no rules in knitting. Knit what you like, when you like and feel no guilt about those UFOs. If that doesn’t work nudge them under the bed or couch. I loved Hugo. I read with my son several years ago. I enjoyed the illustrations and I think it helped him remain engaged in the story. Not much knitting here since we leave tomorrow

  8. stacey says:

    Ha! Normally I’m pretty good at getting into one project, finishing it, and moving on HOWEVER, I’m currently working on a scarf (or at least it’s on the needles), a Rebecca Danger monster (from the book you borrowed from the library…love her patterns!) and have just cast on a baby blanket for a friend’s surprise blessing joining us later this year. Good grief!

  9. Taryn Oakley says:

    I think you should cast on for the gnomey. Maybe a quick knit (and the excitement of finishing) will motivate you to finish up you UFO (I love that- UFO!)
    Thanks for the Hugo book idea. I saw the movie and thought it was fun. I think I will see if my library has it as well!

  10. swanski says:

    Throw caution to the wind and cast on both! Assuming you have enough needles to do it. Thanks for the book recommendation!

  11. The Locavore book looks good. I love books about farming and local food.

    Love the Easter pictures you posted! So cute!

  12. Hege says:

    Cast on both. Love the two greens together – looking forward to see the finished sweater.
    I have to look for The Invention of Hugo Cabret. Love those kind of stories πŸ˜‰

  13. LOL, UFOs, I love that!! Okay, I’d say, just start both! You know what, yesterday, The Fiber Company’s Terra yarn arrived at my doorstep. As much as I love the Malabrigo yarn and the longies I’m knitting, I’m just itching to feel that Terra gorgeousness between my fingers. I’ll just have to start a little cardi for the Junebug…. same “problem” here :)))

  14. Angela says:

    I am with you with the UFOs. I will even go as far as to finish the projects but not mail them until way later. Right now I am in the planning stages for my next project-something for me and something for someone else.
    Love the colors you chose and I have that same book on my list-looking forward to reading it. πŸ™‚

  15. lori says:

    it’s the most fun ‘problem’ to have! what ever you do will be lovely for sure rachel, the patterns are adorable and the yarn so pretty!

  16. Stacy says:

    Try Hugo on audio…amazing! The librarian recommended it and my #1 had read the book a number of times but the rest of us were totally taken, even Mr. Wiedz!

    Quince & Co. yarn is haunting me, it’s everywhere I look…I must get some!!!

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