10 Responses to “::reality check::”

  1. Tracey says:

    Ha, now that does bring back memories, except I use to find the evidence under the bed!

  2. swanski says:

    Well that link was an eye opener…I used to sneak candy all the time!! I’m sure my mom knew, or did she? Well, I’ll be thinking twice today when I go to the candy jar 🙂

  3. meghann says:

    I suppose there are worse things they could eat, right? 🙂

    My mother brings J&A junk every time she visits. And since she visits a lot…well, let’s just say they eat far more junk than I would prefer. (Our Halloween candy was gone by the middle of November, mostly because their father is a sugar junkie!) xo

  4. angie says:

    Ahhhh the left over Halloween candy! At least it’s gone now right:) Greg is always quick to remind me that such things are not the everyday and somehow everyone survives.

  5. Melissa says:

    We used to do the same thing with the Halloween candy – ration it out. And I caught my boys sneaking it as well. Then I started getting healthier snacks and getting rid of the candy. I caught one son sneaking a plum – Ha! And I didn’t get mad 😉

  6. Heather says:

    I used to hoard my Halloween candy for months as a child. Mostly because my siblings would gobble theirs up and I wanted mine to last. I vacillate between freak out and even keel. I tend toward trust most days, but my kiddos do eat sugar and on the occasion food dyes. I figure everything in moderation.

  7. Great post Rachel. I just got off the phone with my dad who had surgery yesterday. In the midst of the pain and frustration post-op his sinus’ are going nuts and making things worst. He said that he just heard that pineapple stem is supposed to help. I responded, “well it can’t hurt to try it.” He laughed, “yea, until next week when they say, “recent findings prove that the use of pineapple stem leads to…!” I had to laugh. We do need to lighten up a bit. It’s easy to get bogged down in the recent findings. We try to eat food as close to the way God made it and figure that’s the best we can do. And I admit that you may occasionally find me sneaking after a candy bar…

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. cpcable says:

    What a wonderful attitude! Sometimes you do just have to go with the flow and laugh. Life would be miserable otherwise. 🙂

  9. Svenna says:

    I think laughing is the best thing you can do. Right along with letting go and trusting.

  10. laura emily says:

    haha! aww, love it.

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