25 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Greer says:

    I hear you about the sleeves! GOOD LUCK!!!!!

  2. Hege says:

    The cowl looks so cosy and warm. And I’ll have to check out that book 😉

  3. Love the look of the cowl, and I’ll be interested to hear how long it takes too 😉

  4. Tracey says:

    An app that keeps time of your knitting? When you get more ‘time’ I hope you will post more about it. Oh those sleeves…I understand! xx

  5. swanski says:

    Love the cowl! I hope you have fun with your family 🙂

  6. Svenna says:

    I always like doing something chunky in between, although seed stitch is not one of my favourites…
    Good luck with the sleeves – I just love the colours of your tea leaves!

  7. Ellen says:

    Yeah for finishing a project. I had to laugh at your comment – sometimes projects are so hard to let go of even when you intended for them to be a gift in the first place. Hope your sleeves go well.

    I have to admit, that I ended up taking back Wildwood to the library (someone else had the gall to place it on hold!) partly because it needed to go back and partly because its ‘magic’ didn’t grab me completely. The first few chapters were great…and then I fizzled. I’ll have to order the book again and retry.

  8. Heather says:

    I knew I noticed the illustrations somewhere. Woo Hoo on the finished Rae. Very nice. I would love an app that showed length of knitting time. People always ask. Two months doesn’t really explain how long something takes nor does two days. May have to hunt for one myself.

  9. Angela says:

    That’s the second or third Gap-tastic cowl I have heard about in a week. I think I need to try it. I would be interested to know how long it took you. I never keep track either.

  10. Jen says:

    I saw what you meant about the sleeves on your Ravelry notes. Good luck, Rachel.

    I’m sure the recipient of that cowl will really appreciate it. Makes all that miles and miles of seed stitch worth it, huh?

  11. Corrabelle says:

    ooooh, you’ve finished it! I’ll bet it’s gorgeous. Do you have any full pics? I’m still nervous about trying a seed stitch on such a large project. I have a hard time going back and forth from knit to purl. I can handle ribbing, but 1k1p is still pretty tricky.

    I haven’t been able to get “into” wildwood yet either. I love the illustrations, (OBVIOUSLY, who wouldn’t?) and it’s a fun little story, but so far I haven’t hit that “can’t put it down” phase yet. I really hope I do!

  12. I’ve never heard of that book but my brother-in-law loves The Decemeberists, so maybe I should go check it out…
    just looked at Rae on Ravelry and now I am thinking that I might frog a scarf that I have been working on for far too long and make Rae instead?? Hmm, decisions decisions…

    • Rachel says:

      Oh, the Rae is fun! I wear the one I made for myself all the time. It’s such a simple design but I really like it. 🙂

  13. Heidi says:

    I love the color of the tiny tea leaves, just beautiful. I so wish my 10 year old would wear a handmade mama sweater. I can’t wait to see it finished.
    I have considered the Gap-tastic cowl a few times , but I am so slow at seed stitch that it has put me off a bit. I really like the yarn you are using for that as well. And you are so good at updating your Ravelry account!

    • Rachel says:

      I’m squeezing in as many mama-knits as possible. My three oldest are very opinionated about their clothes…I’ve knit them a couple of sweaters that hide in drawers. 🙁 Sad. At least there are little siblings to try them on in a couple years. 😉

  14. Kate says:

    Good luck with your sleeves. Your book keeps catching my attention, I think I need to check it out 🙂

  15. Kristen says:

    Looking great! I’m impressed by how much you have gotten done this week. (From one mom of a young baby to another 🙂

  16. angie says:

    Love that chunky yarn, anything comes together so quickly! Molly wants to knit herself a sweater, ambitious I know so I told her it could only be done with bulky yarn so it gets finished sometime before she heads off to college.

  17. I hope you enjoyed every minute with your family. Mine is not close either so it is really special when we can see each other. That yarn makes me want to take a nap.

  18. Kathryn says:

    Does this mean I’m 4001? Woot woot!

  19. Your cowl looks great! I didn’t find Wildwood as easy to get into as some people have… don’t know if I will pick it back up or not! The illustrations were great though!

  20. JNCL says:

    Wildwood AGAIN! I see it everywhere lately. I have GOT to hurry up and read this book.

  21. Apseed says:

    I like the cowl and the chunky wool is just perfect for this project.

  22. SB says:

    Funny- I am working on the same cowl, for a friend! 🙂

  23. yarn along says:

    […] just a few rounds away from finishing the gaptastic cowl. I’m enjoying this second one more than the first – I can read bedtime stories quite […]

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