9 Responses to “breaking in the new year”

  1. Tracey says:

    It is always so nice to have family visit. I miss my Mom and sister’s and can not wait until we are all together.
    Your weekend sounds just wonderful, especially about your sweet boy who loves to share!
    My weekend has ended [drats] and we are in full Monday mode and already looking forward to Friday! 🙂

  2. Oh, Rachel, I love your photos…they show such warmth and hominess. I just want to soak it up. Lovely. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  3. amy@to love says:

    so nice. we spent this weekend just drinking up this new little baby. cannot believe yours is 5 months already!

  4. angie says:

    Sounds like a perfect weekend to me mama! Maybe you and your sis could help clean my house next? It’s going to take more than 2 hours…

  5. Taryn Oakley says:

    The return to normalcy after holidays is always hard!

  6. swanski says:

    Your holidays sound full of life and goodness. I am envying that tea pot!!!! Very very beautiful.

  7. Ellen says:

    Sounds like an excellent sort of weekend. Hope that you can remain content when those extra pairs of hands leave. Transitioning back to ‘normal’ is sometimes challenging, but oh so good.

  8. Heather says:

    Was the new series Downton Abbey by chance. That was my weekend excitement 🙂 So glad you are enjoying these days.

  9. Jennifer says:

    Oh, the train pic could have been taken at our house!. How lucky to have so many extra hands around. The return of “normal” life is bittersweet, I find. It is nice to get back into routine and the gentle pace that we live our lives, but it is so sad to see loved ones leave and all the little bonuses get put away.

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