20 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Rachel says:

    It’s always fun to knit and read at the same time 😉 Now if only you could COOK, knit and read…
    Your projects are looking good though!

  2. Honestly, Rachel, how do you find the time? I have wanted to knit for my own mother for a few years now and other projects (ie. children’s) always trump ones for others. But you are doing both ~ At. The. Same. Time. Whoosh!
    I really hope you have a beautiful year ahead, with your big brood of Jays. It’s always delightful stopping by to take a peek:)
    xo Jules

  3. Svenna says:

    The Rae looks wonderful, so cozy!
    This made me laugh, because my family was just making fun of me yesterday for reading and knitting at the same time. But sometimes you just need to do what needs to be done. 🙂

  4. Greer says:

    Knitting and reading is a true talent, to be practised whenever possible 😉

  5. Kaylana Miller says:

    Haha! I’m laughing too!
    Knitting stockinette and reading – truly a talent!
    Tintin books inspired my 8 year old to take up sketching and drawing cartoons.
    Happy knitting and reading this week!

  6. JNCL says:

    “Wildwood” is popular this week. Definitely on my TBR pile.

  7. Kate says:

    What a way to put it all together! 🙂 I’ve done that a couple times but I found it easier with my nook (no pages to fight with keeping open, it just balances nicely.) Good luck with it all.

  8. Jen says:

    I wish I could read an actual book and knit at the same time. Only if I’m listening to a book on my iPod.

  9. swanski says:

    It is such a rich beautiful brown!! I can’t wait to see it finished.

  10. angie says:

    hmmmm Wildwood looks interesting. I’ll have to check that one out. I didn’t yarn along this week, but I’ve actually started a sweater for myself! Wish me luck

  11. Ellen says:

    Keep up the large knitting projects even if you don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet. Love the brown. Will you model it when it’s done?

  12. Heather says:

    I only recently mastered the reading and knitting combination. A bit tricky, but so productive! Wildwood is still in our basket. I think I need to actually pull it out this morning and read a bit. Good luck on your knitting. I am at an indecisive starting point. Oh, what to knit.

  13. abe says:

    Hey,I just clicked on the word RAE and there was a picture of a person who looked just like you 🙂

  14. Corrabelle says:

    oooh, three new projects? Do tell!! And Wildwood…i’ve finally checked it out (I didn’t think the library would have it in yet, but they did!)I wasn’t sure if it was something I should read to the boys or not. Is it intended for children, or is it just “made to look” like it is?
    It seems a little like edward gorey, who they actually like, but i’m not sure.

  15. Amy says:

    I haven’t yet figured out how to get my book to stay open! You never can go wrong with Laura. Happy knitting!

  16. lori says:

    sounds so lovely and cosy, cuddled under that pretty knit and reading while stitching. i loved wildwood, it was so charming. did you know there is a soundtrack for the book too? colin meloy chose the perfect music to compliment.
    have a wonderful week rachel!

  17. Angela says:

    Happy New Year! My son is right in the middle of On the Banks of Plum Creek. I just love that series and I am so happy he does too. It’s awesome you are getting so much knitting done too. You go!

  18. Taryn Oakley says:

    I have been trying to finish one or two books and knitting projects before I dive into more as well… it is hard sometimes!!

  19. Lydia says:

    I never could knit and read at the same time. Though sometimes I’ll listen to audiobooks while I knit. Beautiful work! And that book sounds wonderful.

  20. meghann says:

    Love the Little House books! I think I may have told you that already. I remember being especially fond of ‘On the Banks of Plum Creek’ when I was 8 or 9… xo

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