28 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Rachel says:

    Whilest I love red yarn… it is your book that really catches my eye- what a stunner!

  2. Taira says:

    Sounds as if you have been very busy – so good when you can get projects all done. I don’t particularly like the ‘pulling together’ bits. Love the red yarn!

  3. Apseed says:

    You work as a bee! Do you find the time to relax? I like your all projects and I like your all warm knitting colors.

  4. Rebecca says:

    Good for you, you busy beaver you! It feels good to make those decisions, doesn’t it. Knitting empowerment!

  5. Theresa says:

    Wow, you’ve been busy this week, it’s great to have projects coming off the needles isn’t it?

  6. Greer says:

    Wow, very energetic and quite inspiring. Perhaps I’ll attempt such a finishing soon!

  7. Sounds like you have been busy. I always find having a good clean up of my craft stuff feels so good. I just procrastinate for a long time before I do so! I hope your sort out leads to many completed garments. Jacinta x

  8. Tracey says:

    no, it doesn’t sound like bragging, it sounds like you accomplished a lot. it is so freeing when we don’t have little projects taking up space. i find reading poetry is very calming and it always brings a sense of peace to my day.

  9. swanski says:

    Boy, you sure do have lots of knitting projects going on! I think it gives me a good excuse to start another one so I can catch up to your number. I say keep casting on!

  10. Linda says:

    Love the colour of your knitting and the poetry book looks like a wonderful antique edition.

  11. Ellen says:

    It feels so good to get organized! I really should do it more often…I don’t know why I drag about, somewhat dreading the time it takes to organize (my pre-doing state) only to find that it really wasn’t as painful as I had anticipated. Oh well. A few weeks ago when I was actually home alone(!) I reorganized my stash and even inputted it into Ravelry. Ah… But I haven’t wound all the skeins yet like you.

  12. lori says:

    i love how you did that, the cleaning and sorting and finishing up, it is so comforting i think. your work is lovely (i love the links) and i’m sure it felt so good to get so much done. i love that you have your grandfathers book, that is so cool and a poetry book too, wonderful.

  13. meghann says:

    Well aren’t you having a productive week! Isn’t it great to get organized? (Wanna come out east & get me organized? I’ll snuggle with the baby while you go through my stash…) xo

  14. cpcable says:

    You have been one busy mama! I know the feeling of needing to have things in some sort of order. Having a physical space that is neat helps to keep my thoughts in order as well, I’ve found. The Tennyson book looks beautiful!

  15. Lydia says:

    Wow! How are you finding the time for all that knitting. I’m going to live vicariously through you a bit. I wish I could be that focused.

  16. Becks says:

    Wow, what a busy week. I like to sort my yarn but I find it so hard to rehome it…. Love the red at the bottom, working with an almost identical colour right now 🙂

  17. Jen says:

    Wow, Rachel! You’ve been busy. 🙂

  18. wow, you did buckle down! busy, busy, and productive.

  19. Emily T. says:

    Congrats on your accomplishments! I bet it brought a sigh of relief!

    Mmm red yarn. So wonderful.

  20. karen says:

    wowee, all that goodness coming off your needles! It feels so good to finish off all the old projects

  21. Cory says:

    you go girl!!!!!!!!!!
    ; )

  22. laura emily says:

    goodness! You are wonder woman, honestly.

    and I love poetry on those days where I need to calm my thoughts, but I also love getting cozy with a HP book. Great reads!

  23. Taryn Oakley says:

    I really need to spend a day sorting my stash!!

  24. Sometimes the sorting, organizing, and cleaning out is just as satisfying as creating, isn’t it?

  25. Stacy says:

    It doesn’t sound like bragging, it sounds productive! Way to go!

  26. Svenna says:

    Well done you, don’t you just love ticking things off that list!

  27. There’s nothing better than re-organizing and weaving in loose ends. I so admire your productivity!

    And, sometimes poetry *is* just the thing.

  28. yarn along says:

    […] It’s yarn along eve once again and I’m wondering what knitting I’ve gotten done this week. I think I used up all my best knitting intentions last week. […]

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