12 Responses to “weekending”

  1. Looks like a fun weekend indeed. Oh, Mira is sweetness and delight. Jacinta

  2. Tracey says:

    Too much ice cream? It really must have be a large quanity!
    How was the thrifting? I haven’t had much luck here lately.
    Enjoy all your beautiful children! xx

  3. swanski says:

    Sounds like a very relaxing weekend! There can never be too much ice cream.

  4. Apseed says:

    Sounds and looks like a very calming weekend. These little ones are growing sooo fast….;)

  5. Lydia says:

    That’s my kind of weekend. So perfect!

  6. CNKemper says:


  7. Now I know what they mean by a ‘rosebud mouth’!

    Looks and sounds like a wonderful weekend… Enjoy your today!!

    Blessings, Debbie

  8. Ellen says:

    I can see why you were revelling. A few years ago, I gave my younger boys watches for several reasons, including the same as yours – be home for dinner at such & such a time.

  9. Cory says:

    ooohhhh the baby smell.
    I can still remember it.
    The poopy diapers never bothered me even! At last not when it was a straight “mama’s milk” diet.
    And too much ice cream? Is there really a thing?

  10. angie says:

    Looks like a perfect weekend.

  11. Sachi says:

    Oh Mama time thrifting with friends and Mira. WONDERFUL!!!

  12. sounds like a wonderful weekend. and MIRA!!! so sweet.

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