27 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. I wish I was close enough to make you share! I just want to scoop her up and snuggle! I too have been giving some serious thought to my Christmas list… I had better get busy if my needles are going to keep pace with my ideas!

    Blessings, Debbie

  2. The Help is about the best book I read all of last year… possibly ever! It’s just unputdownable isn’t it? And the thing about it is, I have yet to meet ANYONE with any other opinion of it. A classic for sure.

  3. Tracey says:

    Rachel, I really want to hold her! I love the dimple in her arm and those cheeks…oh my!
    I haven’t heard of Better off so you have to let us know how you like it. I did read See you in a Hundred Years, but it wasn’t one of my favorites.
    Have fun with the canning! xx

  4. Hege says:

    Oh, she’s so sweet!!
    I have The Help in my queue of books to read this year. I guess I need to pick it up soon 😉 But there is so many books to read… I’m sure The Puerperium will fit her just perfect.

  5. swanski says:

    She is such a sweetie pie! I can see why the knitting has been in a lull. I thought The Help was one of the best books ever. I have yet to see see the movie. I hope soon. Take care and keep loving that new baby smell!

  6. Ellen says:

    Oh, I don’t know… I thinking holding that sweet new babe of yours is better than any ‘fantastic’ knitting project. Hope you get some rest. Are you canning peaches or making peach jam? That is one thing on my never-ending list of to-dos that still needs to get done. I think I just may be able to squeeze it in. I hope.

  7. Kate says:

    Oh sweet sleeping baby!
    I have to add The Help to my holds list at the library although it might be next year before my turn comes around. Sounds like it’s worth it though.

  8. Renee says:

    A sweet picture of a sweet baby…


    A Knitters Notebook

  9. Jess says:

    Sweet little lady.
    I had friends who could knit with a sleeping babe on their lap, but I was never able to manage it.
    I had to console myself with the babe alone, and that was pretty alright anyway 🙂

  10. Erin says:

    She is just so cute!!!

    I like that “idealistic Christmas knitting list”: I always start there too and whittle down to make it realistic.

    Good luck with canning your peaches. 🙂

  11. angie says:

    You amaze me! I made peach cobbler last night that was delicious! Today I will can some I think. What recipe do you use? Do you guys have peach trees? We’ve got one, but I’d love more. happy knitting, reading, canning, nursing and loving to you my friend!

  12. Jen says:

    You little one is a peach herself!

    I give you a lot of credit for your Christmas knitting thoughts. Maybe next year…

  13. i wanna come snuggle her while you can peaches!

  14. Lydia says:

    Oh, she’s such a doll! Enjoy your puerperium and your new little one.

  15. What a great shot! Beautiful!

  16. Kristen says:

    She’s so beautiful! Love that color red…and thanks for the book suggestion. It sounds fascinating! Happy Day to You!

  17. Polly says:

    What a sweet photo. I’m glad you are getting some reading in too.

  18. Rain says:

    Oh that little dimpled arm! I want to gobble it up 🙂 I’m intrigued by Better Off…must add it to my “tbr” pile 🙂

  19. Gretchen R says:

    I my word those cheeks! The dimples on the arms! I would be found in the position holding that sweet baby most often as well!

    I really want to read “The Help.” I picked it up at Target, and then put it back on the shelf. Then I put it back in my cart again, and then I put it back. I don’t know why.

  20. Lisa says:

    Better Off sounds like something I would like – I prefer nonfiction but I might have to read The Help. I will be sure to read it before seeing the movie!

  21. Amy Caroline says:

    Oh baby!!! ADORABLE!

  22. Svenna says:

    Aw, love that little dimple on her elbow..
    I wish I could come babysit while you can your peaches 🙂

  23. Wendy says:

    Better Off sounds like a great book. Such a cutie you have there–the knitting can wait!

  24. I’m currently reading The Help, too! Wish I had more time to spend reading it, though; trying to finish so I can go see the movie with my sweet daughter in law. Sweet, sweet elbow dimple. 🙂 Blessings, ~Lisa

  25. Sachi says:

    Oh Rachel. She is the cutest and the sweetest and the most lovable thing ever. I want to give her a squeeze all the way from here. Big big hugs to you

  26. lori says:

    oh my goodness. such an adorable baby. i agree about the planning, enjoy every minute!

  27. meghann says:

    I’m pretty sure this is the best yarn along picture ever taken… xo

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