12 Responses to “reality check”

  1. I have so much to be grateful this week. I am grateful that Steven’s accident, although severe, could be so much worse. I am grateful that I have two older children to help out with all that needs to be done. I am grateful that Steven is home with us again, and although bed ridden, is still the leader of our family.

  2. This is beautiful, Rachel- and what a beautiful, wonderful girl! <3

  3. That is a beautiful post Rachel. What gorgeous eyes your daughter has!!
    I find myself complaining too and need the constant reminder to be grateful. 🙂
    Thank you for linking to me, it always feels like an honor to be on your blog.

    Love, Taryn

  4. Katie says:

    A great post. My oldest is quite talkative too, and I always need to remind myself of the kindness oozing out of her, too. Your post did this beautifully. Hope you have a great start to your week.


  5. swanski says:

    I bet your little girl can make any stressful day a happy one, she looks so happy and eager to tell a good story!

  6. Apseed says:

    Very great post! To be grateful in our busy lives is something new and undiscovered for the big amount of people. But sometimes we need only few words to change our minds and find pleasure and happiness around us.
    Thank You fo sharing!

  7. angie says:

    Rachel this is such a wonderful little reality check. She looks like such a sweet, fun little person.

  8. What a reminder. Thank you, Rachel.

  9. my poulette sounds like your sweet girl. a talker. too creative for her own good. impulsive. biggest heart ever. she’s gonna change the world one day.

  10. Ellen says:

    What glow in your daughter’s eyes. And what a lovely post to think about. I have a child who is quick to forgive, so loving. I need to take cues from him.

  11. What a sweet message for your little sweetie.

    I loved the quote. It’s obviously powerful if it helped to inspire your beautiful sentiment. I’m grateful for all of the gratitude I’m finding while looking!

    Blessings, Debbie

  12. Svenna says:

    What a beautiful post. Oh the bittersweetness of littles growing up..

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