27 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Heather says:

    Your sweater looks like mine – only smaller! I am sure you will be done next week. Nice job, mama. I am substitute projects while mulling over something. It helps me think and arrive at a solution. A friend of mine was heavily involved in Craft Hope. They held an auction last year. The organization runs a craft project every month. Last month dealt with midwifery supplies. So glad you felt inspired.

  2. caitlin says:

    what a great shaped sweater!

  3. Tracey says:

    I have been meaning to pick up Craft Hope–I am ordering it today before it slips my mind again.
    That is a cute little sweater.

  4. Isn’t it the worst feeling when you think you don’t have enough wool. I hope you end up with just the right amount. The sweater is lovely. Elsa Beskow books are some of my favourites. Our girls have a couple of her books. I love the detailed illustrations. Jacinta

  5. MJ says:

    I had to smile as there is so much in this post that I relate to!! I have come to count on yarn along to push me along in my projects too :). And when you mentioned not having enough yarn, YES!! It sends such a panic, doesn’t it! It’s true about emotional knitting, too. I’ve noticed that my tension does seem to change when I am upset or distracted. It loosens and I definitely make more mistakes. I still find it therapeutic, until I have to fix the mistakes or rip! And thanks for your kindness and support yesterday, it was a hard day and I appreciated it so much :).

  6. angie says:

    That sweater looks amazing! wow! I haven’t gotten much further on tiny tea leaves, to many other things happening…and projects starting, I’ve been in a bit of a sewing mood these days.

  7. Bley says:

    Oh, Tikki, Tikki, Tembo; always a favorite! Can’t wait till my kids get old enough to start really enjoying the children’s classics!

  8. Joy says:

    I’ve never seen an Elsa Beskow in Arabic. Interesting. The illustrations are beautiful whatever the language. ๐Ÿ™‚ That pullover is beautiful!

  9. Amy V says:

    I also like Craft Hope. Just popping in to say “hi” as part of Yarn Along.

  10. Snap says:

    i love the color of the sweater and am a sherlock holmes fan, too!

  11. Erin says:

    I love your little boy sweater. ๐Ÿ™‚ I’m always hunting for boy things and this looks perfect for one of my boys.

  12. Andria says:

    I am almost finished with the body of my first fishermans pullover. Love the pattern. I am eager to make one for all three kiddos!

  13. Leila says:

    Tikki Tikki Tembo! No Sa Rembo!

    What a fave!

    Good luck with your sweater!

  14. Genevieve says:

    Your fishermans pullover is beautiful. I cannot wait to finish up some wip’s so I can make one for my daughter.

  15. Angela says:

    I accidentally felted something this week too! Your sweater continues to come along very nicely. I’m glad it got your son’s approval!

  16. Abe says:

    Tikki tikki tembo-no sa rembo-chari bari ruchi-pip peri pembo…..is why I gave my children little names!

  17. I hate that “i just know I am going to run out of yarn feeling!” Here’s hoping it comes out just right !

  18. Carol says:

    I often have several different projects going to work on depending on my mood or how much attention they require. Always have something that I can pick up and knit or crochet a few stitches while waiting for my computer to do something or other.

    Thanks for stopping by my site.

  19. Charity says:

    The sweater is looking wonderful! I think I said this last week, but I sure love the colour, so rich. ๐Ÿ™‚

  20. Kaylana says:

    It must be the week for felting things! A pair of socks got thrown in with the warm load. Oops!
    And you want to talk about emotional knitting? I had a blister on my finger from stitches that were too tight! Ouch!
    And I pretty much second what MJ said. There’s a lot in your post that I can relate to. Thanks for sharing it all with us!
    Have a super week!
    (Plus the Arabic part made me laugh! My husband, the terrific knitter, also knows how to read Arabic. He would have had a blast with it!!)

  21. swanski says:

    The sweater is looking lovely. I am going to look up that yarn, love the color.

  22. Lovely sweater- what a gorgeous colour! Lots of great books, too. Thanks for visiting. Laura x

  23. Corrabelle says:

    That’s so sweet! I wish I could learn to knit in the round…everytime i’ve tried i’ve ended up with really massive hats etc. haha

  24. Susan says:

    I *love* the color of the sweater you’re making. I’ll have to try Puffin yarn on a future project. I’m worried about whether I will have enough yarn to finish the sweater I am making for my almost 5 year old boy, too. I find myself knitting faster because I want to get to the end and find out!

    Some of those books are favorites at my house, too (we love everything by Astrid Lindgren).

    It was so nice of you to visit my blog today! Thanks! ๐Ÿ™‚

  25. Amy Caroline says:

    I love that sweater! The color is so rich and beautiful too.

  26. That’s pretty neat though that Pelle’s New Suit is published in Arabic. Our library also has only two Elsa Beskow books, but we have many more at home. We also came home with an Astrid Lindgren book from the library today…
    That’s a really nice looking sweater!

  27. the three older kids have all asked for sweaters for next fall. the only one that hasn’t is the 2yo and frankly, he’s the easiest to knit for. c’est la vie. i think there may be a fisherman’s pullover in my future for the newly minted 8yo.

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