21 Responses to “yarn along”

  1. Oh I’m so glad that you were able to get help from some of the other knitters! It’s great to know that there’s someone out there to help 🙂 I’d say you have a pretty legitimate excuse for not getting much knitting done, those clothing changes can be brutal! LOL. I read the Birth House a couple of years ago and love loved it 🙂 I always think it’s so cool to read anything with a Canadian flair and what a beautiful backdrop for your photo 🙂 Enjoy the rest of your holiday!

  2. caitlin says:

    Your knitting looks great despite your busy-ness. I love the fishermans pullover pattern! Can’t wait to see what the end product will look like. amazing, i’m sure! 🙂

  3. caitlin says:

    oh, and that view! oh my, i forgot to mention, i am very jealous of that view of the mountains…

  4. Kaylana says:

    My interest is peaked regarding your book… I was investigating the author and it turns out we lived near each other during my 12 years in Indiana! Now I really, really want to read this book! Also, it sounds like the traditions that she writes about are very close to the ‘pre-Russian occupation’ birthing traditions of Latvia. My midwife here is working, one woman at a time, to restore those lost traditions. So interesting!!! Enjoy the rest of the book. I’ll probably be reading it soon. 🙂

  5. MJ says:

    Oh I am sorry about your thumb!! Hope it isn’t too serious. You had me laughing as I pictured your kids wanting to go in and out and you getting them dressed and undressed every thirty minutes :). Thanks for the peek at your view!! I need those from here in flat FL.

  6. jess says:

    First, how awful to sprain your thumb! I hope you’re on the road to recovery.
    Second, what a beautiful place.
    Third, that book sounds just great! It’s going on my list.
    Yarn Along has been the most inspiring place, book-wise.
    Heal quickly.

  7. Tracey says:

    With the view you have I’m surprised you get any knitting or reading done.
    I just put the book you recommended on my list to read as it sounds very interesting. Hope your thumb heals quickly and you can continue with your knitting.

  8. Christina says:

    Enjoy that vacation! Drinking in those views and taking them home with you is so valuable. Knitting and reading can wait!

  9. That book just arrived on my bookshelf last week – looking forward to reading it! Take it easy, rest your thumb and enjoy your getaway!

  10. That book looks right up my alley! Hoping your thumb heals quickly!

  11. Kristi says:

    Slow and steady wins the race! What a beautiful vacation you are on! Mine will be opposite in a few weeks…sand and sun!

  12. Joy says:

    That yarn looks lovely and warm. I can’t wait to see your finished pullover!

  13. Sandra says:

    That does sound like a very good read, I’ll have to jot down the name and look for it at my library 🙂

    Love the color of the yarn, can’t wait to see the finished project 🙂

  14. Hege says:

    Hope your thumb will get better soon.
    And I’ll have to check out that book!

  15. Halldora says:

    What a great view you have !
    I really like the Fishermans pullover – it is on my “Knit-someday-list” :-). The yarn you are using looks lovely!

  16. Sachi says:

    Wow how pretty! I am so sorry that you sprained your thumb. Ouch! That book sounds really good… I do not read a lot of fiction anymore. Not sure why… I hope you get some more knitting time before your vacation is over!

  17. Lisa says:

    Great pictures and it sounds like great read. Enjoy your days away. i love going away because it makes me LOVE coming home!

  18. Elizabeth says:

    Sorry to hear about your thumb, I hope it is mending. What a beautiful place you are vacationing. Swimming and skiing two of our favorite things. the fisherman’s pullover is such a beautiful pattern. Glad to hear you figured out the short rows. I’m looking forward to seeing it finished. The book sounds very interesting, another one to add to my list.

    Blessings, Elizabeth

  19. Puffin Hen says:

    My, that yarn looks super warm and cosy. Good luck with the sweater; I can’t wait to see more. (Hope your thumb has healed up before you go crazy!)

  20. suzy says:

    Shaping yokes…ooooh not my favourite thing in the world to do either 🙂
    Give me a big hunk of boring bodywork anyday!
    The book sounds very intriging. Being so close to going through the birth thing again 🙂 It’s become a bit of a reading theme for me lately!

  21. yarn along says:

    […] last week‘s set backs it’s been great to move on to the quick and easy body work of my […]

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